Tuesday, March 21, 2017

A Bit of Catching Up

My last post was written the day before a huge blizzard was expected. Now we are a week post huge blizzard.
That Sunday Paul stayed home, Cedric had spent the night at Jacob’s. I was going to pick him up at 8:00 like I usually do Sunday morning but I wasn’t home at 8:00 am. He stayed at Jacob’s until around 5 that afternoon. Seth and Joseph got a ride to church with Jeremy West. Amena wasn’t ready in time and thought that if Cedric didn’t have to go to church, she shouldn’t have to, either. At least, that’s the story I heard. Her version was similar but she’d planned to go with Joanna to look at a car so she left sometime between 11 and 12.
I got home relatively early. The labor ended with a placental abruption and trip to the hospital. I did not go to the hospital but did go home. I had to milk a poor Zoey and feed and water the goats. Then I took a shower. By the time I felt sort of human, it was pretty late and so I didn’t get to church at all.
I like to take the leftover wax and make new candles, if you recall. Sometimes it wrinkles up and looks really cool. This is from the 15th I think.

Monday not much happened. Because of the expected huge blizzard, school was cancelled for Tuesday and a two-hour delay scheduled for Wednesday. Because of this, many plans were made for sleeping over here and there. Cedric went to Jacob’s. Amena and a friend went to another friend’s. I warned both of them that if roads weren’t good Tuesday evening, I wouldn’t be picking anyone up. Of course, they were both okay with that. I think roads were possibly passible by the time it was five or six but it was dark and the driveway wasn’t plowed or shoveled and I wasn’t going to go out and do that then.
Tuesday morning I got up at 4:30 and shoveled enough to get the white car out of the driveway. My plan was to pick Amena up in Hardwick at 5:30 and Cedric up at Jacob’s at 6:00. However, it took longer to shovel than I realized it would so I started almost 15 minutes late. The roads weren’t bad, except in Barre, but they weren’t good enough to drive very fast so it took the whole 45 minutes to get to Hardwick. By then it was 6:00 and it took about 30 minutes or so to get back to Hubbardston. Still, even though everything was slower and later than I’d wanted, it was still pretty okay.
All five boys playing Risk. Ryan was actually just playing with the pieces but still, it was pretty cool.

Tyler and Ryan spent Tuesday and Wednesday nights here so we still had four younglings around. They had a two-hour delay as well, but their mother decided to let them skip school. I wasn’t even going to attempt having Seth and Joseph do school work with Tyler and Ryan acting as distractions so we had two days off school.
Paul almost didn’t go to work Wednesday but ended up going after all. The roads were pretty decent by the time he left.
I think there was something up Thursday and something up Friday but they were so long ago I don’t remember for sure and I just finished printing out my planner for this year this morning so needless to say I don’t have anything written down for them. Lame, I know, but it’s what I’ve got so it’s what I’m going with.
Friday night Seth and Joseph stayed at Tyler and Ryan’s and Cedric was at Jacob’s so when Maddie arrived Saturday morning, only Auntie Amena was here. That was okay. And, actually, Amena and I went to Friendley’s to meet Joanna and get Maddie because Joanna was running late. Amena drove Joanna’s car and Maddie home so, like most Saturday’s, she could drive Joanna’s car to work.
Is she not the cutest? This and the next are from Saturday.

Maddie is super cute, as always, and we always have fun with her when she’s here. She’s getting so big!
She's getting really good at picking up small objects and getting them to her mouth. These small objects were food so it was all good.

Sunday was an interesting day. There were three prenatals I wanted to go to but I felt somewhat sick to my stomach with a bit of diarrhea thrown in so I ended up not going. Amena wasn’t ready to go when I was and Cedric was being difficult and basically refusing to go so they were left at home. Paul hadn’t been sure if he was going to go to his meetings or not but ended up leaving in time to get there only a few minutes late.
Going back just a bit, Paul and I were asked to help chaperone a dance at church Saturday evening. We ended up not and that’s an interesting story in and of itself. I might elaborate another time.
Paul instead went shopping even though he didn’t have to. That is kind of part of the same interesting story so perhaps more another time.
Amena and I went to Hardwick to pick up a friend so she could sleep over (which is partly why Amena wasn’t ready to go in time on Sunday). We also picked Cedric up from Jacob’s on the way home. We got home close to 11:00. Joseph was still wandering around, Seth was in bed sounding a bit like he’d like to be asleep. Paul was in his chair. By the time I figured this all out, it was 11:00 and Paul said he’d asked Seth to bring in groceries half an hour ago. At 10:30? Really? Yikes! That’s really when I figured out that Seth was half asleep. I decided to just bring stuff in myself and mentioned on my way out that I’d told the boys to go to bed at 9:00. I got the perishables put away but left the rest on the couch in the living room.
Then I went to bed. I think. I’d wanted to go to bed as soon as I got home from taxi service but that didn’t happen. I’m glad that I don’t have to get up at 5 or 5:30 on Sunday mornings.
Sunday afternoon, Seth and Joseph helped to varying degrees to make lemon bars, lemon pie filling, lemon poppy seed muffins, and lemon sherbet. Except that none of them were exclusively lemon and some were exclusively lime. Still, good stuff, you know? We had tacos for lunch and I made hot chocolate for dinner. Except for the intestinal problems, it was an okay afternoon.
And that gets us almost caught up to date. I was going to do that but I think it might happen later. Not now.

Have a splendiferous day or week or year or whatever!

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