Monday, March 27, 2017


I’m sitting here long enough to finish my smoothie and possibly tea. Then I’m off to the shower because I don’t like living my life in pajamas—or the sweat pants and shirt that pass for pajamas.
Speaking of smoothies, I met with success this morning in making a single-serving-size. Most mornings one is not enough because Paul, Amena, Cedric, and I almost always have one when I make them. Seth and Joseph sometimes do. That means I can’t just do it all in one go. That means I usually have to do two. The problem is that when I do that, I usually have extra left over the next day which means I don’t have to make quite as much but it’s sometimes hard to gauge. Anyway, I just needed enough for mine this morning for the second one and I actually made just the right amount.
Paul went to the hospital Friday to have his kidney stone blasted so he’s been pretty sore since then. Sore and sleepy. In spite of that, he really wanted to go shopping Saturday (I still hold with my opinion that he’s addicted). He did not go to church yesterday. In fact, when I left, he was in bed asleep. He’s supposed to call the doctor today and find out what is going on because they apparently didn’t give him any discharge papers.
Seth went on a scout camp out for the weekend and can’t keep his story straight as to if he had fun or not. I think he mostly did but there were a couple of things that were annoying. Such as the behavior of one of the younger scouts. Or maybe two. He did bring home an interesting story. He said, and I hope this is a joke, that Mr. Carrignan is going to step down as Scoutmaster next year and that the principal of Hubbardston Center School would be filling that role. If it is not a joke, Seth has my permission to quit scouts. Maybe not quit altogether, but certainly not continue with Pack 12. I hope it is a joke.
Tyler came over Friday night and we kept him Saturday as well. I think it was good for him and Joseph to be able to have time with Seth gone. Seth and Joseph are inseparable and it is good for them to have activities that don’t include the other upon occasion.
I spent yesterday afternoon and evening with Katie. There was an interview first which was lovely. Seriously. I love meeting people who are invested in having a good pregnancy and birth experience; people who are invested in giving their child the best beginning they can. Any time I begin to doubt myself and this path I have chosen to be on, I just have to think about all the amazing women and families I’ve met and I know it is right.
This is perhaps the sweetest gift I have ever received from someone to whom I am not related. It is the footprint of a sweet baby girl and a clear quartz crystal necklace. 

After the interview were two postnatal visits. Those are amazing things. Especially for first-time mama’s, the transition to motherhood and becoming a family of three (or more) is just an incredible thing.
I got home late—after 9:00—and almost everyone was in bed. Which is good. Once I did a few things, I went to bed as well and thought I was going to have to plug my ears in because Paul started munching away on some cereal and I can tell you that that is very loud when you want to get to sleep. I decided to attempt slumber without the aid of music in my ears, and was successful.
The only problem this morning, well, two really, was that I woke up with a headache. I rather thought I would because I didn’t have nearly enough fluids yesterday (hence the tea, which is my second cup) before a shower this morning. It wouldn’t have been that bad because I’d been really good Saturday with water and tea and hot chocolate consumption but Friday I’d been awful. Still, it is interesting that as soon as I left the bedroom to use the bathroom, it was better. When I went back to bed before waking up or checking on Amena and Cedric, it was bad again. Then when I left the bedroom to wake or check, it was better again. When I went back to bed for my extra 25 minutes, it was bad. Then I got up for good and it was better. I wonder if it’s the bedroom or laying down. I don’t want to experiment right now so I’m afraid we might never know. I do have my suspicions, though.
The other problem is that Amena missed the bus by about 30 seconds so we had to play catch-the-bus which is always a load of fun. It was raining (still is now) so naturally I turned on the wipers. Once we caught the bus and I was almost home, the wipers decided to stop working. I’ve got no time for this crap, let me tell you.
And now my tea is just about done and I’ve managed to fill up a page I’m going to be off to shower.
Have a wonderful day!

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