Thursday, April 27, 2017

Another month almost gone since

March 31, 2017
6:07 am
Good morning. My headache Monday was gone relatively soon. I had a cup of tea, some water, and then was fine. I also made sure to keep hydrated throughout the day because I knew the following day would be a long one and I did not want a headache all day while travelling about.
Tuesday was busy. First we went to Boxboro. While there, we got a call that a client in South Hampton was in labor and she is a fast one. That was fun. After mama and baby were all settled in, it was back to Haverhill for another appointment. I think there may have been something scheduled after that but I don’t remember for sure. If there was, it was rescheduled.
Wednesday was busy. Appointments way up in New Hampshire and Vermont and then diving down to South Hampton. There was a little break because one had to reschedule but then there was that appointment that had to be rescheduled from the day before. So, yes there was another one.
Both long days. Tuesday, I left the house by 7:45 because I needed to meet the sister missionaries to give Sister Chavez the log of soap she’d helped make (she watched it be made and paid for it which is huge help some days) and have her write in my missionary journal because she left us this week. She was only here for six weeks; I hope she gets to come back before she goes home.
The moon was really big and pretty. This is from April 10 (very early in the morning), when Cedric needed to be to the school between 5:00 and 5:15 am.

Katie was running late so I got a little reading done while I waited for her. The church parking lot is a good meeting place when we go east. Anyway, that day, I didn’t get home until after 9 pm.
Wednesday I had to milk early because I needed to leave no later than 7:00 which is when I’ve been milking as of late. I got to Katie’s five minutes later than I wanted because I left the house at 7:03 and there were a couple of slow moving vehicles in my way. It was another long day but I was able to get to Gardner in time to pick Amena up at 8:00 when she got off work.
Yesterday was a lot of catch up with Seth and Joseph. Seth had done some of his math but Joseph had done just about none of his. We got to have Maddie in the morning and early afternoon so Lincoln and Joanna could run some errands including a new phone for Joanna because hers was wigging out and being unpredictable.
Maddie is just getting cuter and bigger all the time. Do we notice these things in our grandchildren more than we do in our children? I am thinking that we do although those darn children just don’t stop. Maddie is almost an accomplished crawler which means we really need to clean house. She’s getting super good at giving hugs and loves animals. Joseph and I took her out to see the goats yesterday. Goldilocks didn’t come out but Zoey did. Zoey was curious about Maddie and Maddie was curious about Zoey. I wish we had some kids; I think Maddie would love to play with them soon.
Joseph wonders what kind of vehicles they might use without wheels. We decided it must be hovercraft of some kind. Or a sled. This is also from April 10, but obviously much later in the day.

My plan for the afternoon was to go get Cedric from school, stop at the library to drop off movies and get new ones, go to whichever town it is that we go to for Seth’s eye doctor (the one I thought was in Lancaster but discovered it is actually Leominster, I think) and get Seth’s new glasses, and then come home and relax. It is good to have plans but it is good to be flexible.
Cedric said he wanted a ride before Lincoln and Joanna were back for Maddie and I didn’t want to take her. Then Diana Chunn stopped by for a quickish visit. Then Lincoln and Joanna got back with a new phone. I just love Maddie’s reaction to seeing either of her parents. She is a pretty happy and smiley baby but when she sees one of them she just absolutely beams! It is beautiful.
Cedric ended up going to Jacob’s and wanted to be picked up first at 5:30, then 6:00. Seth, Joseph, and I went to the library at about 4:45 and I figured that we’d take care of the whole movie swap and then head over to pick him up. That worked out pretty well. When we got home, I cooked rice and sausages for dinner because they required very little thought.
No glasses for Seth. The morning, however was pretty busy. Amena wanted me to take her to Joanna’s so she could pick up her car. When I’d picked her up the night before, she said I could take her then or in the morning. I’d already been in a car for hours Wednesday evening so I wasn’t really in any mood to be in a car for another hour. I don’t mind getting up early and I didn’t have to get up any earlier than I normally do. The problem is that because Amena was making the arrangements, I thought that she would have made arrangements with Joanna and/or Lincoln for the keys to the car. When we were on our way she said, “Did you call Joanna to tell her we’re coming?”
Um, no. Not my deal, dude.
So she called. And woke them up. They put the keys on the porch so Amena wouldn’t have to knock on the door and make Lucy bark. When Lincoln and Joanna got here with Maddie, we were talking about the morning and Lincoln was understandably annoyed that they’d been woken up when Amena could have talked to them the day before to arrange to have the keys on the porch already. Or something. Like, she could have been patient and then Joanna and Lincoln could have dropped the car of when they brought Maddie over. Amena had her plans all laid out but just forgot to keep everyone else in the loop. A common enough problem, I guess, and one we all need to work on to some degree or another.
When I got home and showered, I put two containers of fuel in the car and three in the house. Then we started on school for the boys.
Today the world (the northeast) is afraid of the storm that is coming and is going to drop anywhere from 3 inches to a foot of snow on us between now and tomorrow morning. Quabbin decided to go for an early release today and from comments I saw on Facebook last night, they aren’t the only school district around to do so.
In a few minutes, I will go milk and take care of the goats. Then I’ll shower and then the boys and I will go to get Seth’s new glasses. Then we’ll do school and see how the day progresses from there. Paul gets to go have another procedure done to/for his kidney stone. It is quite likely that all members of my extended family to whom he speaks on a more regular basis that he does to me or I to them know more about what is happening than I do so I won’t bother to tell you more since that’s all I know anyway and you probably know more.

Have a fantastic day! 

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