Friday, November 30, 2012

I'm Back!!!

I’m BACK!!! It is going to be a chore gathering pictures from hither and yon and my documents are pretty much toast (unless I want to pay someone to retrieve them or I find someone who is capable and willing to do it for free) but I’m back in action. It will be nice to have an online presence again and be able to get done what needs to be rather than having to borrow Laura’s computer all the time (which she let me do anytime I needed to—she’s a good kid).

I’m also currently alone at the moment if you don’t count the canine girls who are snoozing by the fireplace. And the goats in the field. Joanna is at work. Laura is on her way to Worcester to have some dental work done. Amena, Cedric, Seth and Joseph are still at school. It is very quiet. Not that I’m complaining, mind you, I rather like it.

Much has happened; so much so that I am not even going to attempt to catch up with everything that has happened although I could look at my planner and give you an idea. I don’t think I will. We did have a nice Thanksgiving, though. There were the usual eight of us plus our missionaries, Elders Jones and Sanchez (he’s from Mexico), Jonathan and Elizabeth, Nick and Adam. A very full table we had but it was good.

For my marketing class, I have been working on a marketing plan for soap. I have the rough draft submitted to the professor for her to look at it and offer suggestions. I also gave Paul a copy so he could look at it. It was a lot of work but very enlightening and mostly fun. I’ll have more to say about that later.

This is going to be short for now because I have phlebotomy finals (clinical and book) to study for. The clinical is Tuesday and the book will be available online Wednesday. I’d like to do well and I’m looking forward to having one class out of the way. I did just want to let everyone know that we’re all doing well and haven’t dropped off the face of the earth.

Briefly in other news, for those of you who knew her, my former mother-in-law, Marilyn Davis passed away early yesterday morning. She was an amazing person and will be missed.

Have a great day!

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