Friday, March 11, 2016

Count Your Blessings

You know, it kind of drives me nuts thinking that next week at this time it will be 6:54. Why do we need it to be darker in the morning? Don’t the idiots who don’t put an end to this thing realize that those of us who have to get up early in the morning will be turning everything on earlier and therefore be using more energy? Perhaps those of us idiots to whom the idiots in power are supposedly subject should start writing letters, sending emails, and making phone calls. Seriously. Then I can stop wasting my time thinking about these things.
The water was so smooth yesterday. It was a beautiful morning if a bit on the humid side (when isn't it here?).

Seriously, though, yesterday was a pretty good day. Joseph wanted to go for a two mile walk so we walked down Pitcherville Road for a mile and then turned back. We found a bag on the side of the road and filled it to overflowing with bottles and cans and picked up a few more. Next time we need more than one bag because we left quite a few and there is plenty of trash to pick up as well. I need gloves next time, though.
Farther down the road, there was still a bit of slushy looking ice on this part of the swamp. With the warm temperatures we've been having, I have to admit I wasn't expecting this.

After that we did school stuff for an hour, then we had to hurry to Lancaster for Seth’s appointment with the eye doctor. His glasses are beyond repair so we’ve got to wait for his new ones to come in. He really needs a backup pair. We made good time and even though we left late, were only a minute late. We hurried home after that and made pancakes for lunch because the sisters were coming over and we had a new one and you know I have to brainwash these girls in all things birth and medical system in general as well as soap and Star Wars.
This poor tree was obviously gnawed on by local beavers at some point in its history and then cut down because they didn't finish. I kind of wonder why they didn't finish and then I wonder why the rest of the tree was just left to rot. Perhaps it was already rotting? Who knows. Makes for an interesting picture, at any rate.

We didn’t get back to school stuff until after 2:00 and then I had to leave to pick Amena up from school because she had to stay late to work on a project because we’re approaching the end of the second trimester. Seth and Joseph didn’t go to LEGO Club at the library because we’d’ve had to leave early to get Amena and they weren’t done with their work. When I got back with Amena, I just had to help Joseph with his math. So, even though there were lots of things to get in the way, school work was finished which is very good.
Today we have a short day because we might do something with Joanna or we might do something else. Whichever, we’ll do math and reading and science and then decide what to do. Actually, I’ll probably figure it out sooner than that and the weather might be a deciding factor.
On the way to pick Amena up from school yesterday and the day before, I noticed the memorial on the side of the road for Brittany. Someone has erected a white cross on the other side just a little farther east as well. I’d like to stop one of these days and see what’s up with that; it isn’t far from where we planted Amena’s letterbox last fall.
I don’t know Bob and Michele Murch beyond the fact that they live in Hubbardston and are the parents of Brittany, Griffin, and Riley but I feel for them. What they are living through right now is not fun. My prayers are for them as well as Griffin. Perhaps more about this at a later time.
Had to take a little break and check the weather; it looks like the rain should be about over and that by afternoon it should be sunny. I think I’d prefer not to go pick up bottles, cans, and trash when they’re still soaking wet from having been rained on this morning so perhaps we’ll go searching for a letterbox or go plant one. We’ve got two in some stage of readiness; I might just need to make a notebook or two.

Have a good day and count your blessings because they are present.

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