Thursday, March 17, 2016

Think up your own title.

So far, I’ve begun this three times. Third time’s a charm, right? After all, it is St. Patrick’s Day, right? So I keep telling myself.
Yesterday I was looking forward all day to my quiet hour once everyone was in bed. It is no good looking forward to things some days because disappointment will be the only result. Why? Because life happens.
I let Cedric get some Mountain Dew yesterday. I shouldn’t have. He let his brothers have some and I should really not have allowed that to happen. Even though I put a MD consumption curfew in effect at 6:30, the behavior clearly indicated too much had already been ingested. Furthermore, Joseph, once it was bedtime and beyond, had to go to the bathroom numerous times and with only five minutes between trips.
This warranted a bit of research and I discovered that this can be normal in children and that caffeine contributes to the problem. Isn’t that interesting? I shared this discovery with Joseph on his way to bed after his last trip and he voluntarily decided that he is not going to have any soda with caffeine again.
Every so often, once a day or so, I get a new pictures on my computer when I open it up. Today this is what I get. I like this one. I think I might like to jump right in. The time is what it is because I had to put it to sleep so I could get a screen shot. :)

After that I was going to begin reviewing a chapter of Hywel and Cailín but in opening Pandora, I thought I’d take a quick look at email and Facebook. Someone had shared a blog post that Michele Murch wrote. Reading that was good and yet it was terrible. It kind of put an end to my feeling creative. Such is life. It really was time to go to bed by then, anyway, so it wasn’t really a big deal. I went to bed.
This morning, I thought I could do some editing so I came downstairs and fed Kitty and Misty and put some water on to boil for tea. Then I sat down and discovered that I’d really rather go back to bed but it was too late for that so I stayed up and checked email and started writing a list of questions for the Pack Meeting tonight and stopped because I wasn’t in the mood for that. I made frosting for the cinnamon rolls I made yesterday. I thought about how it’s so easy to think that I’ll only eat fruit today in the morning but always something happens and I end up eating a bunch of other stuff that I don’t even need. Today I thought that I’d stick to fruit and eggs but when I went to cook an egg realized that the cast iron frying pan is a mess and needs to be cleaned before being used and I didn’t feel like it. I did have a pear that was very good.
So, even on the darkest days, there is still good in the world. Joanna and Lincoln posted this yesterday after they had an ultrasound. So stinking cute! They are going to have the cutest baby girl ever! And, lucky me, I get to be her grandma (and yes, I know I have to share because she has another grandma).

Honestly, if you look up symptoms of depression, many of them are present.
However, there is much good in life and it will be time to get school started for the boys in sixteen minutes so I really don’t have time to wallow in my present state of mind. Good thing because if I am accused of not smelling or any other stupid thing that apparently comes out of thin air, I’m going to bite someone’s head off.

Have a fantastic day!

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