Monday, November 14, 2016

"To despair..."

Good morning. Hey, guess what? The sun is on its way up. Amazing how that works.
This morning I feel profoundly sad. I know that a lot of people are upset by Trump’s win Tuesday. I get that; I really do. Had Clinton won, there would have been a lot of people upset and I get that, too. In that respect, one is not better than the other. Due to how I voted, I would have this sadness, and even disgust, no matter which had won so there is that.
One thing that annoys the heck out of me is that, once again, I am being categorized according to what I say after this election. If I say, “It will get better,” which I have, I am privileged. Because I believe in God and because I believe that, in ways unbeknownst to us mere humans, he has everything under control, I am privileged. I mean, really, you know? Because that is what I believe. My knowledge is infinitesimal. The more I learn, the more I realize I don’t know. Go ahead and tell me that all these people who are so afraid know more than I do. It’s possible. Tell me they know more than God. No freaking way. So, hey, if my personal beliefs mean that I am privileged, so be it. That isn’t what makes me really sad.
This is.
Many of the people who are bemoaning the sad state of affairs do believe in God. Some of them even attend the same church I do.
Truly, I don’t understand. I mean, I get how people can be angry, frustrated, even frightened. But, as Marilla Cuthbert says in Anne of Green Gables, “To despair is to turn your back on God.” If you are angry or frustrated or frightened, that’s okay. It is. Everyone feels those at some point or another. But don’t despair. Do take constructive action. That is the only way anything good will be accomplished.
And, here’s a thought that might really stir things up: the electoral college doesn’t vote until December. Never in its history has it gone with the popular vote when it is opposite the electoral vote but there’s a first time for everything.
It really is a beautiful day. This is from Saturday afternoon. The muted colors were very pretty.

The sun is out. It is a beautiful day.

And this is from yesterday afternoon. What a beautiful day it was! Much like today.

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