Sunday, August 3, 2014

What a Day

Good afternoon. What a day today has been and it isn’t much more than half over.
To  begin with, we had YW presidency meeting this morning so it meant Cedric and Seth needed to have all their stuff together so I could take it to church and not have to make any trips home before taking off for camp. All the boys were ready so I took them all. Never a good idea but today particularly not.
On the way, we picked Hans up which was fine and I didn’t mind at all. As soon as we arrived, Joseph had to show Hans what the buzzer by the door does. Children. As soon as I walked in, Bishop Carmack asked if I’d heard the news. What news?
Mary Newton and her daughter Rachel were in an accident on the way home from Girl’s Camp yesterday afternoon about 2:00. They aren’t sure exactly what happened but they hit an RV.  I just looked it up online and the car was a mess. Another person died as well. Life is so short. I did not know Mary well but she was in the Stake YW presidency and had come to visit with us (Gardner Ward YW) upon occasion and see how we were doing and if we needed anything.
As we were about done with our meeting, Joseph came to tell me that Seth was bleeding. That is nothing new; blood is just part of life. It seems especially so with boys. I told Joseph to tell Seth to bring his blood on over to where I was so I could take a look but we ended and I went to find Seth. He was in the boys bathroom so I told him to go across the hall to a classroom there. I looked and his toenail was sticking up. He had a run-in with a door and it peeled his toenail right off. He ended up pulling it off the rest of the way. My first thought was to take him to the hospital but with it off and no cuts or anything, there isn’t anything they really could have done so I decided to take him home, find my phone, and decide what to do.
On my way out the building, Paul and Amena were just arriving so I told Amena about Sister Newton and her daughter.
Once home, I got some water ready with Epsom salt for Seth’s foot to soak in while I looked for phone numbers. (My phone was in the boys’ room where I’d left it after helping Joseph with his tie.) I sent Jamie Pitney a text after calling the house and not getting an answer. Then I called Carignan’s and Scott said that they’d be able to handle anything at camp. He is a nurse and the staff at camp are very qualified. Jamie was of the opinion that Seth should go as well.
After Seth’s foot soaked, I had him put it up on a chair and let him play Plants vs. Zombies while I was making phone calls. He kind of thought he should stay home but at the same time, really wanted to go to camp. When I told him that Mr. Carignan thought he’d be okay and that they could take care of his toe and that Mr. Pitney thought he should still go, he decided he would go. He’s a pretty resilient boy; I’m sure he’ll be fine.
Jerusha had volunteered to take Cedric if need be. Once it was decided that Seth would still be going, I asked if she could also take Seth. I could have taken them but with the news of Mary and yesterday being the third anniversary of our accident, I cried most of the way home and I didn’t really want to do that all the way up and back from dropping them off. I don’t want to add any numbers to the statistics.
I collected more socks for Seth and got some bandages, gauze and tape together for him and got some snacks for him and Cedric. I got their papers and wrote a note saying that Jerusha could sign anything that I’d forgotten to. Seth got some socks on and found that his black and white shoes are hard to put on without feeling strange on his toe. I suggested my purple crocs which he ended up wearing to get outside. On the way back to church, which took a long time because I’d forgotten to put the extra socks in his tote and we had to go back, he got his black and yellow shoes on which are a little bigger.
While I was waiting for Jerusha, I went in the church because I wanted to talk to our new YM president. That didn’t work out so well but Kim Miller did remember the Divergent books which was very nice and I had a good visit with her and some others about Harry Potter. I went out to take the books out and because the Peterman’s were both at church and Seth was up rummaging around in his tote. He showed me that he could run and everything. So, I don’t think his toe will really bother him too much.
Once the boys were off, I decided to just come home. I’ve had a headache for three days now and I didn’t really feel like sitting in church pretending that everything is okay. It’s easier when I’m talking to someone but not really any more fun.
And now I’m sitting here. I need to get the grill going soon for our lunch/dinner of hamburgers and sausages. Also some onion and tomatoes sliced.

Have a wonderful day; be safe and remember that happiness is a choice.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you this weekend. Appreciated your closing remarks above--you're right. Happiness IS a choice. xoxo
    Be safe.
