Monday, January 11, 2016

27 Degrees and Windy

Good morning! I know there was something I wanted to write about this morning but now that I'm here, I can't think of what it was.
Yesterday I managed to redo the heel flap on Seth's second sock. I had it all done last week and was ready to turn the heel when I realized that I hadn't done it with two strands of yarn like I'd done the first. Well, much easier to take out one heel flap than to take out half of a finished sock, so that's what I did. However, in the taking out, I managed to mess up three stitches at the end of one needle and I just didn't feel like dealing with that at the time. I dealt with it yesterday morning and then almost finished the heel flap at church. At home I finished that darn flap, turned the heel and got all the heel stitches picked up that needed to be. Now that I just need to finish the leg (including the decreases by the heel), I should be done in just a month or so. :) I am kind of hoping that one day I'll be able to finish a pair of socks in less than six months.
Saturday evening before I went to bed, I decided, for about the millionth time, to take my eating habits back and get them under control. One of these days when I make this decision I figure it will stick. To that end, I had a pear and an orange for breakfast. Then went to church where the Relief Society was cooking up a storm for their Board Meeting to take place after church. If there is cooking going on again like that, I'm going to feel free to leave. On top of smelling food all during Sunday School and Relief Society, I needed to wait and a fifteen minute wait ended up being an hour. And if that wasn't enough, I knew that making deep dish pizza (Paul's request for his birthday dinner) was going to take some time once we got home. By the time we got home, I was hungry and we were looking at an hour or so before time to eat. So, I ate a pretzel cookie. However, I only ate one. And I had some water. On the other hand, then I had the last two pieces of candy left from Christmas/New Year's. On the other hand, that's the worst thing I did all day.
The pizza turned out pretty good. Paul didn't complain and ate two thirds of his so I'm guessing he thought it was okay. It had/has peppers, onions, and mushrooms. I made a regular pizza for Amena and the boys with just pepperoni (and a quarter with jalapeƱos) and there is just one piece left. I made a square deep dish for me with pepperoni, sausage, mushrooms, and jalapeƱos and it was good. I've got lunch set for me for a few days.
The reason we were so late getting home yesterday is because people are never as quick as they think they will be. I was asked to teach Amena seminary several months ago but nothing was done more than that. Teaching seminary is more important, in my opinion, than playing the piano so I wasn't about to start before it was made official. Well, after just having checked to see when I was first asked, it was ten weeks. More than two months. Time enough to take care of business, I'd say. So, not only did it take ten weeks for something that should have taken one or two, it took an hour rather than fifteen minutes because when most people say fifteen, they don't mean it. I don't think they mean to not mean it, but they don't.
Since I am now officially a seminary teacher I figured I deserved one day to get things ready (in spite of the fact that I've had ten weeks, because, you know, I am me and this is the way I work) so we didn't do anything this morning. Since I also didn't get anything ready for the boys for school beyond Friday of last week, I am going to take this day to get ready for the upcoming weeks for them. This is good, I think, especially since I've decided to take a somewhat slower approach to math for Seth since we really aren't in any hurry.
Joseph started his new math book and is doing very well which is good. While I did get all the files off the desktop portion of my fried hard drive, I didn't get files that were in my documents folder. That means all the really meaty stuff for the boys for school is still AWOL and I'm not sure it will be recovered. I do need to ask about that because it will make a difference on how I proceed with things.
In other news there isn't a whole lot to report. Cedric and Amena didn't miss the bus this morning. Seth and Joseph are still in bed. I need to wash a few dishes and milk the goat. I think it is colder today than it was yesterday so I'm not really looking forward to milking. On the other hand, if this winter were last winter, I really wouldn't be looking forward to milking. On the other hand, if this winter were last winter, I probably would have let Zoey dry up.
Speaking of winter, this one has not been typical in the least. It has been uncharacteristically warm for here and there has been almost no snow. The snow we did get got rained on and immediately turned into a two to three inch thick slab of white ice. Not cool. Or extremely cool. Depending on your point of view. I would complain but I really don't like how cold it has gotten during the winter while we've been here. I don't like it being so warm, either, because I wonder what it's doing to my poor garlic and I'm afraid to go look. I don't like the lack of snow; it just isn't winter without it. I am glad that the west has been getting snow. It has been too long.
I think I might be about ready to end this and get it posted. I don't have any pictures for you today because I haven't yet attempted to download them from the camera and I don't think there is much on the phone. I guess I shouldn't say that—there are some from Christmas and probably some others of interest. Basically, I'm just not feeling a terrible urge to do anything with pictures.
In spite of that, have a spectacular day!

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