Friday, January 8, 2016

Just Another Typical Day

And a good morning to you! Today is Paul's birthday. If you ask him how old he is, he'll probably say he doesn't remember so I'll just leave it at that. He purposefully didn't schedule anything to do at work today (he schedules calls and emails and such for contacting people) so he could have the day off but was told he had to be there for a meeting today. And, because Cha-nan gained four pounds over the holidays, there wouldn't be any food. Hmmmm. We'll see how that all goes.
Laura, it is good that we had the weather we did while you and Blaine were here. Since then, we've gotten cold. I avoid the back room because when I do go out there, I can see my breath. I'm pretty sure the heater we had back there for you would make very little difference at the moment.
Jeremy West was able to salvage some of my documents and pictures from my fried hard drive which is fantastic. Some is always better than none; at least in instances like this. The most important thing he was able to retrieve was a folder called Hywel and CailĂ­n. Huge sigh of relief there. In the past couple of days I've gone over the chapters that I'd thought might be lost forever and I'm so glad to have them. Thirteen chapters comprised of 167 pages and 44,344 words. Some of what I'd written I'd completely forgotten about. And since the outline I had wasn't the up-to-date one, I probably would never have remembered.
Yesterday I let Cedric stay home from school. He had a science project that was due and he hadn't even started it. As always, I'm willing to help but I'm not going to take the initiative. The morning was spent with Seth and Joseph and their work. Then we had the sisters over for lunch (Annie's macaroni and cheese with green beans done up with bacon and onions). Then it was time for Cedric's project. He talked Seth into helping, a lot, in trade for a Dr. Pepper. I think it turned out pretty well.
It is a plant cell, in case you were wondering.

I think this is large enough you can see the labels. I think this is an excellent idea and that we will incorporate LEGO models for other things.

In other news, over Christmas and New Year's with lots going on I didn't get much done in the way of doula homework and there is very little I can do in the way of midwifery homework and classes until we manage to come up with enough money to continue paying for classes. One goal for the year is to finish the doula work asap (I'll be making lists in order to accomplish this probably today). Another goal is to find that elusive money and finish the first year of the midwifery program. (If anyone is interested, Laura made a gofundme thing for this purpose—I'll see if I can't post a link.)
Otherwise, life has been happening pretty much like it usually does around here and I don't feel like there is really anything else of great interest to report. So. . . .
Have a terrific day!

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