Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Daniel Dreams

Good morning! We have a dish washing schedule once again and there was a bit of complaining about it yesterday afternoon and evening by a certain 14-year-old but he did do his part so yesterday at least is all good. Well, you know, other than the parts that weren't so great.
Seth, Joseph, and I got the Christmas tree down and the living room back to some semblance of normality. With the red chair that Paul brought home, there really isn't room for two couches (I didn't think there was in the first place but now there really isn't). I'm thinking about calling Salvation Army to come and get one but if anyone knows of anyone local who needs a couch, you should let me know. In the course of undecorating the tree, we found a total of seven candy canes on the tree. That's more than half a box. One was one of Joseph's but six were the regular ones. We had hot chocolate and candy canes in the afternoon.
Right now I am actually in the process of finishing up the getting ready of lesson material for Seth and Joseph. Because of the tree and life, I didn't start until around 2:00 yesterday afternoon and I was up until about midnight. I have no idea how normal that is but I'm hoping I'm not extraordinarily slow. I do have two grade levels, after all. And I'm getting everything ready for the next six weeks. Regardless, I wanted to tell you about my dream before I forget. Why?
Because Daniel was in it.
I'm not sure how it started but we were living in a rather large house. We had goats and my mother and Laura were both visiting. There were a couple of other people visiting as well but I'm not sure who they were, just that it was a father and his young son. The house we were in had vaulted ceilings somewhere and was at least two stories. It rained and someone must have opened the windows at the top of the vaulted area because there was water on the floor in the hall. I asked the boy if he'd like to mop it up with towels and he was happy to do so.
My mother discovered that the sweater she'd brought had begun to unravel at the sleeve and she wanted to fix it but didn't have any yarn that would work. Paul hadn't left for work yet so he volunteered to take her to a store to get some yarn that would do until she got home to fix it permanently. I joked that he would do anything to get out of going to work too early. That's actually probably true some days since his boss and the top shareholder are such idiots.
I had to, for some reason, attempt to draw blood from my finger with a very strange vacutainer set. The instructions were very odd, as well, and I was getting rather annoyed because it was late, I needed to take a shower, and there was school to do.
I finally finished and took my shower after having to make a million trips back and forth to get things that were needed for the bathroom because I'd go to use it or put it in the shower and discover that there wasn't any.
When I was done, I went to the room where school was to take place and Daniel and Amena were both there as well as Seth and Joseph. I'm not sure if Cedric was or not; I don't really remember him being there (and I'd really love for him to do homeschool).
Daniel seemed older and like himself but much more animated and verbose than usual. It was nice having him there and everyone was excited to get their work done (like that ever happens) even though we were getting started so late. I think it was forty-five minutes late which doesn't seem that bad except that it would throw the whole day off.
My mom and Paul got home, my mom began fixing her sweater, we carried on with school stuff and Laura and I visited (without speaking?) while the others worked on their stuff.
And that is that. My alarm woke me up and I went to make sure Amena and Cedric were getting up. They both did and did not miss the bus so life at the moment is pretty good other than the temperature of the house. The sky is pretty in a muted sort of way and I might go take a picture.
Both pictures are looking toward the south.
Two pictures taken and a load of towels put on to wash to help the indoor temperature (which is much warmer than the outdoor temperature). And now I need to be carrying on with school prep work but might be back later.

7:44 pm
Well, it is quite a bit later but I am back. It was an interesting day. And a busy one. As usual.
I finally found some good stuff for grammar for both boys online. The printer is easier to deal with using the HP lap top but when I went to print the stuff out, it wouldn't recognize any italicized print. When I told my lap top to do double sided, it wouldn't do it conveniently like the HP would (or this one would with Windows). So, because I wanted the italicized print, I used this computer and this is what I had to do in order to get it to print in order on both sides of the page: print the first page, take it out, with the printed side up, place a blank paper behind it, insert it to print, tell the printer that paper was loaded, wait for the first paper to spit out, set it in a pile of complete papers, wait for the second paper to spit out, take it with the printed side up, place a blank paper behind it, insert it to print, etc., etc., etc. It was fun. Because I needed to do 200 pages for each boy (figuring it would be easiest to just get it done rather than go through it for a few now and then a few later and a few later, etc.), it was a rather time consuming activity.
I still have some things to do because school also took forever. Joseph had scouts this afternoon and he didn't finish his math until after we got home. Seth didn't finish his math until it was almost time to leave for the troop meeting but that ended up being an online meeting due to the snow.
Speaking of snow, it was supposed to be less than an inch and then turned to one to three inches. I think the second is more realistic. I moved the green car to the driveway and the truck right behind it and I had the white Jetta in front of the green car thinking I'd be taking Seth and Cedric to scouts but ended up just moving it to park behind the truck. The snow is lovely and fluffy and it should be very pretty in the morning. And it's about stinking time.
And that's all for now.
I hope you've had a fantastical day!

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