Monday, February 22, 2016


Good morning. I forgot to turn my alarms back on so I didn’t get up until 6:05 and the only reason I did then is because I heard Amena up and about. She just got in the shower so I’m not sure she’s going to make it on time. Cedric took a shower last night. That was good thinking. It isn’t terribly cold this morning and we have the green car so getting her to school won’t be difficult if it comes to that, I just don’t want to. And I might not have to; she’s done things like this before and made it.
Today I have many things to do because I actually did my list of things to do Friday. I really, really, really want to get all the doula homework done so that I can actually be certified and so I’ve got some writing to do. I might have to do more interviews but that isn’t hard; I know lots of people who have had babies and I can use one interview for more than one paper if need be. That will just leave the breastfeeding class.
This evening is a Meet the Doula night as well and I do need to attend that.
Saturday was an interesting day. Cedric and Seth were at their campout and Amena was gone most of the day. Paul was doing his thing so much of the afternoon it was just Joseph and me. It was so quiet. I managed to mostly finish my doula intake form which should not have taken all day but after messing around with the spreadsheet program on my laptop with no success, I finally just started over on the other laptop. Now everything on my laptop should be okay so I’ll save it to R2D2 and edit what needs to be and then move on to the next thing.
Around three in the afternoon, Paul took off with the white Jetta to take it to Hal’s so it can get its new radiator. He said not to rush to follow him with his ride home so I didn’t. Joseph and I didn’t leave until around 4:30. We picked him up and then decided to go out to eat. There was a line at SS Lobster so we went to Sharkey’s. That was nice because I’d been thinking that fish would be good for dinner if it wasn’t frozen. So I had fish for dinner. With shrimp. Nice.
Sunday was pretty good. Cedric and Seth needed to be picked up so I left church early. Because I was going to pick them up, we took two vehicles to church. I got up kind of late around 7:00 but still finished the dishes that hadn’t been done the day before and went out and milked and fed goats. I had some breakfast. Just did the typical morning stuff that I usually do, you know. Then I went upstairs about 8:15 or so and said, “Some people.”
“What?” Paul asked.
“Just stay in bed all day,” I finished. He was still in bed, reading. Hadn’t been up to eat or shower or anything.
I took my shower and got dressed and went downstairs to get lunch stuff in the oven. I’d taken a big pork roast out to thaw so I cut a bunch of potatoes in half and put them on the bottom of the roasting pan, put sliced onions on top of them and sprinkled all with an Oriental green curry mix. Then I put the roast in, sprinkled it, turned it over, and sprinkled the other side. I figured that with a salad would be plenty even though the sisters were coming over too. By the time I was done, it was still not 9:30.
Joseph and I were ready by 9:30. Amena wasn’t quiet but Paul was just done showering. We left at 9:40. When Paul finally made it to church, he had a nice story about Kitty not wanting to go out but the fact is, he wasn’t even ready until 9:45 and needed something to explain his tardiness.
The Facebook post indicated an approximate time of arrival for the boys and I figured it would be okay to wait for the first part of church to be over before I left so that’s what I did. I’ve rushed to get there and ended up waiting an hour too many times I guess. This time Cedric called me and when I got there he and Seth were the only ones still there. Seth was disappointed because he was about to go to Jack’s room and play with LEGOs.
It sounds like they had a pretty good time. When we got home, I checked the roast and turned up the oven temperature. I was going to make nobake cookies but couldn’t remember where I’d put the sugar. By the time I found it, it was really too late to make them for a dessert for lunch. I did spend some time playing with my computer.
Paul got home with Amena and Joseph. The sisters weren’t long behind. Cedric and Seth claimed they weren’t hungry because they’d had a large breakfast and lots of snacks. The truth is they also had lots of snacks once they arrived home. The roast actually turned out pretty good. Before we were done eating, Julia arrived bearing gifts from her trip to Texas and Florida. She bought us each a Pumpkin Juice from the Harry Potter part of Universal Studios as well as a set of house glasses for the boys and Amena and a Gryffindor mug for me. Very cool. And because her timing was so good, she also got to eat.
Honestly, I think I have the best friends in the world. You can't really see the blue glass very well but there is one for each house, the blue of course is for Ravenclaw. The Pumpkin Juice is really good and if I had some creme soda, I might make some warm butterbeer for the mug today. As it is, I might just have to settle for hot chocolate.

And, yes, Amena did miss the bus. It actually arrived on time. For the past couple of weeks it was regularly four or five minutes late so being on time today was not at all expected. Even Cedric had to run to the second end of the driveway. Amena and I caught up at the stop after Jeppson’s so that was okay.

Right now I need to get some things done in the kitchen so I’ll be off. When I come back I’ll get this posted. In the meantime, have a wonderful day!

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