Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Snowy Days

Good morning. We had a lovely four day weekend due to the decision making powers of Quabbin Regional School District and the weather. Friday we did have some lovely snow and because people are crazy it wasn't exactly the most intelligent thing to be out in it driving. Paul still managed to take the starter from the silver Jetta to Lowell in the morning so it could be rebuilt and then went to pick it up in the evening so it could be installed. The boys had fun playing in the snow. Cedric and Joseph more than Seth. Amena stayed in and cleaned her room. I played with sourdough.
Yesterday it didn't start to snow until almost eleven and we ended up with no more than two or three inches. I'm not sure that was worth closing school and because the boys were mostly in because they needed to clean their room, it really wasn't the greatest snow day ever.
However, Joanna stopped by Sunday afternoon and took Seth and Joseph home with her to spend the night. Because there was school Monday, Cedric didn't get to go. Had we the clairvoyance to see the future, he would have gone. Sadly, we are but mere mortals so he had to stay home and did not get to watch the Super Bowl.
What better thing to do than eat ice-cream on a winter day? You really should have seen his mouth when he was done. Oh my!

Joanna brought them home around 9:00 because she had a doctor's appointment at 10:30 in Greenfield but her Jeep was acting up so she called Lincoln and he came with a part to fix it. I'm not sure if it was the right part but whatever the case, it was fixed enough for her to drive home and we got to visit for a while other than the bit more than an hour I took to take Amena to Nick's. For lunch Joanna and I had burritos which are always good and she canceled her appointment. She is supposed to have her blood drawn every week to make sure her platelets are at an okay level and Lincoln wasn't going to let her drive all the way to Greenfield just to have that done. I agreed with him. It won't kill her to miss a week and the roads by that time really weren't that great.
The boys actually got their room finished. My deal was by dinner time and they almost made it. There were just a few things that still needed to be done at that point and they mostly included getting furniture back how it needed to be and removing bags of trash.
Amena and Cedric both made the bus this morning. Because Amena wanted to do seminary after school, I didn't even have to get up at 5:30 to make sure things were happening although I did because Cedric was still in the bathroom taking forever to get dressed after he showered and Amena needed to shower. Paul, for some reason, was awake and for some reason wanted to talk. Just because I'm awake then doesn't mean I want to talk. I usually can go back to sleep and get another few minutes or so and they can make or break the day. He actually got up before 6:00 and I actually got to sleep for probably another half an hour. Heaven.
Everything was moving along quite well but because Paul was up, he was in his office and can see the bus coming through one of the windows so we got a commentary on where exactly the bus was. “The bus is coming!”
The bus is coming!”
The bus is coming around the corner!”
The bus is pulling up to the Stanley's!” They are directly across from us and their driveway is about equidistant to the ends of ours and the bus actually stops at the first of ours that it encounters.
The bus is here!”
She actually did have to go to the other end of the driveway by the time she got out but she made it. I sometimes wonder if it would do any good to tell Paul that I would start moving in slow motion if someone were bugging me about the bus. I know that neither of them have missed it for quite some time which is fantastic and I've probably jinxed the record by mentioning it.
Today looks to be a beautiful day. Cedric brought in enough wood yesterday to get us through today at least. I'd rather burn more wood than have the furnace turned up but at least it is working much better since the guys came to fix it. I'm sure Seth and Joseph will be thrilled to get back to doing school work. Cedric told me Friday that they should still have school because they do school at home. Yeah. No. If there is a snow day for public school, there is a snow day for home school.
Today we are back to relative normal (Joseph is glad we aren't having another snow day) and I hope you have a fantabulous day!

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