Friday, February 19, 2016

I Had No Idea

Good morning! What an interesting day we had yesterday. I knit a bit. Tyler came over. The dishes were washed and candlesticks collected from the window. Towels were washed and some were dried. LEGOs were played with. Cedric was returned and Joanna borrowed the green car again. Amena was picked up. Paul went to work and got home again. Seth and Joseph went to Roll On America with Tyler.
In a nutshell.
Kitty was being a computer cat yesterday.
I finally got my planner organized and finally began a to-do list for myself. I've been needing that for a month and 19 days so it's about time. My list for today is pretty short which is a good thing because it might take some time to do the two things on my list.
Cedric and I attempted to watch the first episode of the new season of Vikings but that didn't work. I just checked and it is available now so we'll watch it later today sometime. I might actually put that on my list.
The computer screen makes a good backdrop for a silhouette, I think.
We managed to take care of most of the leftovers. The chicken and green beans had to be disposed of but everything else was edible. The only things we have left are a little bit of sweet potatoes and a little bit of scalloped potatoes. That means we can have something new today. Like maybe egg drop soup.
Scalloped potatoes. Why are they called that? Do you know? I don't.
Tyler will be picked up at some point this morning and I need to pick Amena up at 10:00.
This is what the socks looked like after the first day. I really like this particular cast on for toe up socks.
Paul brought home a bag of rolled oats for the goats because there weren't any crimped oats the other day and he couldn't remember if rolled or whole were okay. That's fine, but I would have remembered. The problem is that they are now on a couch. I said that it's a much shorter distance from the car to the barn than it is from inside the house to the barn to which he replied it was dark and icy outside. To which I replied that waiting until morning would have been perfectly acceptable. Such is life. I need them when I milk because I'm out of oats in the barn and I'm going to have to drag a boy out of bed it looks like in order to get them to the barn unless I take them myself and while I'm not opposed to taking them myself, I'm not opposed to the boys taking them either.
This is what they looked like this morning. You can really see the blue in the pictures; in normal lighting the purple and red are more noticeable. If you have an eye for such things, you can see how a cable would be a good addition.
In other news, our presidential election this year should be interesting. I'm not particularly happy about any of the candidates at this point in time. Some of them might be okay but most of them would be awful. It will be interesting to see how they are whittled down and what our somewhat final choice is.
In other news, the socks I'm working on right now are interesting. I'm using a pattern I found on Ravelry called Skew socks with some yarn that Becky gave me for Christmas a few years ago. The yarn is perfect for the socks and while they aren't boring to knit, the top/front of them are rather plain and are just calling to me to liven them up a bit—maybe a cable or something. Or perhaps a few cables because they're knit diagonally so they would work their way across the sock and then get eaten up.
In other news, my two editors aren't really able to edit so I'm looking for another. If you know of anyone, let me know.
And that's all I've got for now. I need to get ready to milk and I'm not connected to the internet with my lap top at the moment. It takes a few minutes to get connected and I've also got some pictures I'd like to get off the camera before I do any posting so....
Have a wonderful day!
PS The title of this has nothing to do with the content. We have one mouse to use for two computers and Paul said, "What kind of connector does it have?"
I said, "USB."
"What shape is that? Round or square?"
I didn't realize that there are people who can use computers but don't know what a USB is.
PPS Diane, what a difference this morning! Thanks for the call.

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