Sunday, August 14, 2016

Baby, Travel, and Heat

For some reason, I thought yesterday was the 14th.
This is my favorite picture of Maddie so far and was taken on the 9th.

It doesn’t really matter, the past couple of weeks have been pretty busy ones and in spite of the fact that summer is my least favorite season, this one hasn’t been long enough because it will be just about over when I get back to Massachusetts and I’ve got a ton of stuff I need to do before school starts.
Provo Canyon

Provo Canyon

Elias James was born July 28, 2016, at 5:03pm. He was 6 pounds, 13.5 ounces at birth and currently is over eight pounds. He apparently didn’t want to wait a couple more weeks for either his due date or his grandma to be there to help his mama out during labor. That’s okay, babies generally come when they are ready to when left to their own devices. He’s a cutie pie.
Elias sleeping on my lap on the 11th as I was doing some midwifery homework.
On the 9th, I delivered Cedric to his friend Jacob’s house and Seth and Joseph to the West’s house. Amena wanted me to take her to Joanna’s but I didn’t feel like adding another hour of sitting in a car to my upcoming sit in a car for the drive to Boston or the five-plus hour sit in an airplane from Boston to Salt Lake so that didn’t happen.
Elias in the car on the way home from shopping on the 11th.
I’d never flown out of Boston before, let alone at night, so I got to see the city and surrounding area as the sunset faded. It is very pretty with its millions of colored jewel-like lights. Like Boston, however, there is no rhyme or reason to the placement of those lights; they are just everywhere. I thought it likely that flying in to Salt Lake, also something I’d not previously done, would look like strings of lights crisscrossing one another. I was right. Each is pretty although certainly distinct. Neither one is where I would choose to live because I find cities in general to be chaotic and entirely too full of people.
Provo River

There are some crazy trees in Provo Canyon.

Laura and Elias went with Blaine to pick me up so I got to sit by Elias all the way to their house in Provo. It was dark and he was asleep so I didn’t get to do much more than get a glimpse here and there but I still think it’s the best seat in the car. 
See what I mean?

Not to mention holes where there used to be trees. I couldn't get too up close because people have used this for a garbage bin. Sad, that.

On the 11th, we went up Provo Canyon. There are some letterboxes at various locations along the road and we got three of them. There are more and we’ll probably get at least some of them during the week.
The trees are just something.

Animal enclosure. There happens to be a letterbox hidden somewhere there.

As you might expect, there is always more I could say but I don’t feel the need at the moment. I will mention the weather, though. I could not have possibly picked a better time to spend two weeks in Provo. Hubbardston and surrounding areas in Massachusetts have been experiencing high humidity, sometimes as high as 100% and often above 90%. The temperatures, which have been mostly in the 80s, would be almost lovely if not for the awful humidity and the high low’s at night (in the 70s). Provo has had high 80s to low 90s for highs and the 60s for lows with humidity most often in the teens. Seriously, I love it. I’d be dying in MA right now.
Laura, Elias, and Blaine at the bottom of Bridal Veil Falls.

Have a wonderful rest of the day!

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