Monday, August 15, 2016

Maddie is One Month Old Today!

Good morning!
Rock Canyon

Since all of these are from Rock Canyon, I don't think I'll comment on each one.
If you aren’t continually learning, you are regressing. I have learned that sour dough responds to heat rather than humidity. I started a sour dough starter for Laura and even though I fed it last night about 11:30, it was over done this morning at 8:00. Kind of crazy. I’ve got some bread in progress and I’m going to feed the starter again shortly so we can have sour dough pizza crust for dinner. In fact, I think I’ll go do that now.

So that is done. The bread is looking good. It should have between 20 and 50 minutes to go before further action is needed.
These two, however, I will. Today the water is channeled through a large pipe. These are two of the visible remnants of what was used in the past.

This morning I decided it was time to get what music I had stored in the nebulous cloud on my computer and phone because when I’m on my way back to MA next week, I’d like to be able to listen to more than the sound of the wind on the other side of the window. For some reason, I have more Billy Idol than anything else but it will be nice to have a little variety even if it isn’t as great as it could be.

Mornings have a habit of starting late here. I can certainly understand that with a little baby. It is going to make getting back into a routine at home possibly quite interesting. Staying up to midnight here is like staying up to 2:00 am in MA. I so infrequently do that that it’s safe to say I never do.

Speaking of babies, today is Maddie’s one-month birthday! I’m sure she’s been changing since I saw her last week and will more by the time I see her again next week. Time sure does fly. I can hardly wait to see her again.

Currently, Laura and Elias are asleep. This is good. Mama should sleep when baby sleeps as much as possible. I do hear Elias making noise, though, perhaps because there are three people in the bathroom talking about fixing the tile around the tub in Spanish. Blaine is at the gym. I am waiting for my computer to be charged while I sit here typing this. Just an interesting note: the people were supposed to be here at 9:30 to look at the tub. It is almost 11:00.
Such a cute little face!

Saturday we hiked about a mile up Rock Canyon. There are a couple of letterboxes there; we found one and it had a hitchhiker with it. Now I have two to take to Massachusetts and release. The other one appears to possibly be missing as per the last comment made. Because part of finding it includes hiking up a pretty steep gully with lots and lots of rocks, Laura and I only went about halfway and decided not to go further. If I had real hiking boots and a hiking pole, I think I’d like to do it so I’ll have to keep that in mind for next time. I would like to go back up Rock Canyon because it’s supposed to be even prettier the farther up you go.
We got to watch the sun set. By the time we got to the car, there were people with headlamps heading up the trail.

Well, since it’s almost an hour later and much has happened, I’m going to sign off for now. Have a fantastic day!

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