Thursday, January 26, 2017

Words. Just Words.

Good morning. I have some wax from old candles melting and it is almost time to get school started for the boys. I was going to sit and read because I’ve got 36 pages of Anne Frye to read before I finish an assignment, take a quiz, and move on to the next section; I even put my hot chocolate over by the couch. However, I needed to use the bathroom so while I was thus occupied, I braided my hair. When I was done, I decided that it had been a while since I’d done anything here and so I would do that rather than read. After all, it is only 36 pages and I’ve got enough time to do it without spending these past ten minutes on it. Right?
I actually typed a few paragraphs earlier this month. One of them has to do with showers. I said, “You should never complain about people taking long showers when you have the water running for twenty-seven minutes. Just FYI.” This morning I took a shower and was dressed while the water in the other bathroom was running. I no longer feel bad about taking a little more time in the shower upon occasion or taking more than one during the summer.
This morning I let the dog out and sat on the couch in the room-that-isn’t-the-library-or-dining-room-or-entry between the stairs and the fireplace to vegetate because my eyes felt something akin to sandpaper due to the fact I stayed up until about 11:30 last night finishing an assignment. I know I shouldn’t stay up so late when I need to get up early but for some stupid reason, I do it anyway. Kitty decided she wanted some lap time so I pet her and scratched her neck which of course sent her to kitty nirvana. We would have continued had it not been for the barking of the canine; she wanted back in. I disturbed Kitty, forcing her back to the harsh realities of life, and let Misty in. Then I busied myself washing some dishes and making hot chocolate for Cedric and Amena to take with them. For some reason, I have to use the bathroom every now and then, twice so far just today. When I was done this time, I went through the library toward the kitchen and discovered that the mangy mutt (she isn’t either, really, but I was annoyed) had both peed and pooped on the floor. She’d been out earlier, for goodness sake! I expressed much displeasure as I mopped and picked up the mess before resuming hot chocolate and wax melting duties.
When last I typed, I also mentioned a dream that I’d had. It was interesting enough I’d like to include it now so here you go:
I’d gone to a birth with Katie and Erin but for some reason, I’d taken Amena and the three boys. Joanna and Maddie were there, too, and Laura and Blaine lived in the same town. During the prodromal labor, for which everyone was there (why?), I walked to the library and discovered this really awesome place that had stone steps down to a creek. There was some snow and dirt and rocks on some of the steps and some of the steps went down into the water. I determined that while I didn’t have the time right then to explore, I would return and do so later. I returned to the home where the birth was eminent and fell promptly to sleep and therefore missed the birth. When I woke up from the nap in the dream I was going to walk to see Laura but decided that we’d all been there for entirely too long and was beginning the process of gathering everyone and all their stuff so we could all leave when I woke up from the dream. I think that the part before the nap was before I got up to use the bathroom and the rest was after. So, if I’d not gotten up, maybe I wouldn’t have missed the birth.
Tomorrow is Seth’s birthday. He’ll be 13. Holy cow.

Have a fantabulous day!

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