Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy Saint Patrick's Day

Good morning and Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! So far, it’s been a tiring day.
Thursday I made more soap. That’s always fun (unless I happened to make it on a day like today—on a day like today, nothing would be fun). It was snowing and Margaret and Julia were both going to come over. Because it was snowing, Sariah didn’t want to take Amelia to where she needed to be at 11:00 and Margaret said that if she came over here but didn’t take Amelia to her thing, Amelia most likely would not be pleased so because of that and the fact she really didn’t want to drive in the snow, she didn’t come. Julia did.
Cedric's soap shark head.
Julia said that she’s decided she really doesn’t like knitting because there aren’t enough gadgets and she really doesn’t like knitted things enough to do it. She thinks she would like spinning or weaving because there are gadgets. She definitely likes making soap because there are gadgets. It was fun. I started at nine as planned by cutting the soap I’d made Tuesday and then washed the molds. That was actually fun and because it gave me something to do to replace lining molds, it fixed my groove.
Joseph's soap train.
Friday was a busy day. I got up at 5:00 as usual to wake Amena up only to discover she wasn’t in her bed. She was, however, in the living room asleep on a couch. She’d been using my old phone and the alarm on it was going off but not doing its job of waking her. I thought I woke her up because she responded to my questions and statements so I went back to bed. At 6:00 it was just too much to get out of bed and I ended up not getting up until 6:15. Amena wasn’t in the bathroom, she wasn’t in her bedroom. She was in the living room; still on the couch. Needless to say, she missed the bus in a rather spectacular fashion. I wasn’t going to hurry hurry to catch up with the bus because she wasn’t even close to ready to go.
Seth's soap boat.
I got the boys lunches and made sure they were getting ready and got myself as ready as I could. Of course, by then Paul was in the shower so I had to wait for him. He was planning on taking the green car in for an inspection and said that he could take Amena to school. I agreed but then decided I’d just take her because he would have taken Amena with him for the inspection which would have made her probably almost another hour late. As it was, she got to school about 8:30.
From there I left to go to the Verizon store to get my tablet activated. I debated on whether I should go to the chiropractor first and be really early or just take my chances going to Verizon first. I actually called the chiropractor and got no answer so I decided to take my chances. I did have to wait at Verizon but not too long and I was actually out of there by 10:05. I was only three minutes late for my chiropractic appointment and I ended up having to wait longer than I ever have.
After that, I was off to Julia’s so that I could help finish the auction paddles. Diana Chunn came as well and we finished up in a couple of hours. That was fun.
I honestly don’t remember much of what happened after I got home from Julia’s. Amena got home. The boys got home. As soon as Joseph walked in the door he said, “Why didn’t you pick me up? You were supposed to pick me up.” I didn’t remember anything about needing to pick him up and he informed me that the school nurse had called because he had a fever. There is a new school nurse and I guess she must have tried calling the house number because I never got any calls on my cell phone.
Paul and I went out to the Indian restaurant and Joanna and Zak took Amena, Seth and Joseph to Five Guys. Cedric was at a sleepover birthday party and got to go to the theater for a movie.
Saturday morning I called the hospital to see if anyone was in labor and there was someone in but it hadn’t been determined if her water had actually broken. I called back half an hour later and it looked like she’d probably be staying so I went in once I finished feeding the goats and getting ready. It was awesome. I wish all laboring mama’s had the ability to trust their bodies and the doula.
Saturday afternoon I began feeling kind of icky but thought I was just tired. I went to bed and felt even ickier in the morning but needed to go to a meeting at church and teach a lesson so I got up and did everything that needed to be done and went. Church was actually pretty good other than the fact that I couldn’t sit still because my legs and back were so achy. After church, I got lunch ready and once it was over and mostly cleaned up, I went to bed for a nap. I’m not sure how long I actually slept because it took forever to even get warm but I did sleep. I got up in time for family prayer and scriptures and was all too happy to send everyone to bed so that I could go back myself. I did drink two cups of tea and doused my neck with oregano oil and my pillow with peppermint oil. Other than the fact that I had to get up three times between 9:00 and 11:00 to pee (I’m thinking due to the two large cups of tea), I slept well.
This morning I didn’t really want to get up but did because I didn’t want to deal with anyone missing the bus. I checked my throat and discovered the lovely white spots I haven’t had for about three years. I thought I should check Joseph’s throat as well. He doesn’t have any spots that I can see but it is red and irritated and because he’d been not feeling well, I kept him home this morning. The doctor’s office opens at 8:00 but they don’t always take over the phone from the calling service right away so I’m waiting another minute or so before I call to see if we can get in.
And that gets you caught up in our lives. Sort of.
And I just called the doctor and got the answering service. I guess I’ll wait until 8:10.

Have a terrific day!

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