Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Good morning! I’ve been lax of late, I know. Too lax. In more ways than one.
This round of antibiotics really did a number on my intestines and for some reason I forgot to eat yogurt while I was taking them. Why on earth did I do that? Probably because I wasn’t thinking of food much. Better late than never, I guess. I hope.
This morning I spent some time reading some interesting emails and articles that I found or was given links to. It’s always interesting how you can usually find out what the real deal is by reading the links in the articles (or blogs). It is scary to me how easy it is to twist facts and then put them forth as truth. It really should not be a surprise because I think it is human nature to do this. If it isn’t, then most of the humans I’ve ever known fall into the category that do and those I’ve never met don’t. Personally, I don’t think that is very likely. Statistically it is very improbable. I know I am guilty. In my defense, I do attempt to find out what the truth is before I open my mouth (or let my fingers work the keyboard) but sometimes we can’t find all the information and sometimes we don’t want to. It’s life.
In other statistically improbable news, Dan actually paid me a genuine complement Sunday. He was talking to Seth (and for reasons I do not understand the boys like to have phone conversations with the speaker on) and said, “Do you remember that bed that your mom made in Idaho?” Seth didn’t. I didn’t for a minute or two. “It was pretty nice. I wish I could make one like that. She probably learned how from Grandpa Jim.” Paraphrased a bit but that’s the jist of it. (The spell checker doesn’t like the word ‘jist’. It wants me to change it to one of the following: jest, joist, just, jets, or joust. I added it to the dictionary.) I actually made it while we were in New Mexico but I do remember making it; it was fun and I did a good job. The book I used was a Sunset book and I don’t know what happened to it. Anyway, miracles happen sometimes.
In other news, I went to a Meet the Doula night last night. It was good and I learned why I like to sit on the edge of the chair. I’ve been doing it for forever and now I know why. It’s better for your posture. Cool. All of these soft, gushy, comfortable office chairs—they’re crap. Bad for the posture; bad for humans. Recliners? Get rid of them. No, not really. They are nice upon occasion. But if they are the only chair you ever sit in, you might want to rethink your sitting habits. Mom, I have something for you to do. I might attempt to draw pictures for you but it might have to wait until August. Becky, it would be good for you, too. Awww, heck, it would be good for all of us. I guess I’ll have to find or draw some pictures because it’s really amazing. (It has to do with your upper back. And breathing.)
This from earlier this morning: Joseph is sitting here finishing up homework I didn't realize he had. The directions say: "Draw and write to solve. Explain your reasoning." I think: "Are you kidding me? Isn't it enough that he can look at the problem and almost always figure it out in his head? Why does he have to explain?" The reason why he has to explain is because it is "COMMON CORE STANDARD CC 1.NBT.4 Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract." I'm pretty sure he's thinking of place values and properties of operations to add and subtract when he's doing it in his head. NOT!
I might not like Minnesota much (nothing personal, you know, it’s just where Daniel was died) but there are good people who live there and they’ve only adopted the ELA standards. Go Minnesota! Nebraska, Texas, Alaska, and Virgina have yet to adopt Common Core. I don’t really want to live in any of those states but I sure support their decision to stay away from Common Core. I sure wish more states had done the same. Speaking of such things, did you know that students today actually perform worse than students did in 1972? That does not make me feel too confident about my education; I started kindergarten in 1973.
Anyway, time is flying by and I do need to get a thing or two done today.

Have a fantastical day!

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