Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Suds and Threads

Good morning! It is a partly cloudy day out this morning and the sun is showing behind some of them behind some clouds to the east. I know, where else would the sun be making its presence known in the morning, right? The bus just stopped for the boys who were all out waiting for it. Mr. Hale must like it when the students at each stop are ready to go when he gets there rather than having to wait. Amena got up and ready in spite of the fact that I didn’t get up until 5:17 and neither did she.
Currently, I know that Joanna and Zak are alive because they were out and about. Now they’re hiding in the back room. Paul is up and about as well; I can hear him moving around upstairs and the water in the bathroom just turned on. Seth watered the goats this morning and Cedric fed them. I’ll get their hay when I’m done here. I really like the whole divide and conquer idea.
Since I accomplished what I wanted to yesterday in the laundry, dishes, and counter clearing off departments, up for today is more laundry (but not very much), what dishes are used during the day (they’re all done right now except two bowls and two spoons that Joanna and Zak used last night for ice-cream), and SOAP. Beautiful, lovely, soap. I do have a bit of prep work before I get to that (deciding which to make, deciding how many to make [I only want to use my  new molds and I think I got four so that’s how many it will have to be but I have to check to be sure], making sure the camera is charged. Depending upon which I decide to make, I might have to make a trip to Gardner to get some dry ingredients like lavender flowers. Or, since Joanna doesn’t work today or have school, I could send her. I also need to deposit the phone bill money she gave me and pay the phone bill.
Yesterday was a day. I always like to get the counter cleared off in the kitchen and I always wonder how it is it gets so cluttered so quickly. I haven’t figured that out yet so don’t be expecting any great disclosers.
I looked at knitting books a lot yesterday when I wasn’t doing other things (which means I really didn’t spend all that much time looking) and decided to make a pair of socks. I was going to make a pair anyway and had decided on a design and pattern. While looking at books, I decided to change the plan and so took out what I had done and started over. Knitting while helping boys with homework works pretty well. I started but didn’t use the reinforcing yarn from the start (the pattern I’m using looks better if knit from the toe up I guess so I’m doing a toe up sock for the first time). I decided after starting the reinforcing yarn on just the bottom to go all the way around for the toe but since I didn’t start out with it, I then decided to start over, using it from the very beginning. I’d just gotten that started last night when I went to bed and then decided to start it out a bit differently again so hopefully the third time will be the charm. I’m also thinking about using double point needles because the tips of one of my circulars are coming off and I don’t want to lose anything. I should have gotten a couple of extra needles when my mother was here and we went to Webs. Anyway, knitting ought to be a good occupation when I’m waiting for oils and lye solutions to reach the same magical temperature. As long as I don’t overdo it.
Yesterday I also made bread. We have quite a few loaves in the freezer but they are all from the store and I don’t like bread from the store. I actually don’t eat much bread at all and if it’s from the store, the only way I’ll eat it is as French toast or in a grilled cheese sandwich. I prefer homemade bread even for grilled cheese sandwiches and could live without French toast. Anyway, Amena likes homemade and it’s not hard to make.

Have a spectacular day!

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