Thursday, October 15, 2015


I really need to go milk but I really need to express how tired I am. Some of it is residual I think from not enough sleep for a couple of weeks to stay up sewing which is entirely my fault for not planning well enough ahead of time. Some of it is continual from the many things there are for me to do each day including picking children up at various times and places and making sure they get where they need to go and just general logistics period. I will be glad, for purely selfish reasons, when cross country and soccer are over. I am very glad that Seth and Cedric are able to do these things and that they enjoy them; I think it is good for them to have the added social interaction and a good reason to be physically active. I think that too much of a good thing is never good and I’m about at my limit of good.

Last night I was thinking about things and came to the realization that we really don’t do anything as a family. I know that as children get older and have more pulls on their time that it is more and more difficult to find times when everyone is home at the same time. I also know that it is critically important for families to spend regular time together and we just don’t do it. Going to church once a week and having family home evening once a week just doesn’t cut it.

Yesterday I had the boys leave Goldilocks and Twinkletoes in hoping that he would do his thing so that we can have kids in five months. I’m not sure he ever did; I know I never noticed anything more than a lot of tail wagging on her part.

Dogs are disgusting.

Yesterday Amena told me that there are a couple of girls in her grade who think Cedric is hot. Remember that Amena is in 9th grade; Cedric is in 7th. Audrey Jeppson overheard them and thought, “That’s Amena’s brother.” So she told Amena about it. Cedric is a good looking boy, no doubt about it. The fact that 9th grade girls are taking note is disturbing.

And now I’ve got to get out to milk. With any kind of luck, I’ll get this posted so that everyone knows we, including my mother, are all alive and as well as can be expected.

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