Saturday, September 27, 2014

(Soccer, Soccer, Soccer)

Good morning! By the time I get this posted, it will not be morning here anymore but it will be for some of you so I don’t feel bad saying that. Even though I’m going to be eating lunch while I work on this.
Seth and Cedric on the field.

This morning the boys had a soccer game against Petersham in Hubbardston. They get to play Petersham three times this year and this was the second time. Becky asked some good questions while we were there. Because I’d rather be watching the game than making up long texts, I thought I could address some of them here.
Cedric going for the ball.

My first comment of the game was, “Got all 17 today. Playing Petersham. Don’t like their coach.” I should be tweeting this stuff. Seriously; one tweet and everyone can see it. Of course, that requires internet access and I’m too cheap to do that at the game.
And again.

Becky’s response, “Bad attitude?”
My answer, “And loud mouth.”
What I would have also said is that it seems bad attitude goes with loud mouth. At one point, one of Hubbardston’s coaches said something and Petersham’s said, “You take care of your team and I’ll take care of mine.” Well, yeah, duh. I don’t think Hubbardston was trying to control anything but whatever.
Seth's turn.

Hubbardston scored two goals in the first half. Honestly, they were both almost accidents but the boys were working hard and they managed to go in and they counted. Becky said, “Are the boyos really that good or do the other teams just suck that bad?”
Both boys again.

Well, it’s a combination, really. Last week they played Hardwick and won 6 to 0. Hardwick played really well. I don’t remember the score when they played Barre but the Barre team is good. I would say that they are young, but they are good. I don’t think Petersham is as good but still, there were no goals in the second half. And, like Becky mentioned, “Course they’re getting old enough to really figure out the game & teamwork.”
That is very true. This is the third season Seth and Cedric have played with Hubbardston. The first year they were on the same team, last year they were on different teams, this year, of course, they’re on the same team. Last year, the team Cedric was on included boys he’d played with the year before and the other team was the same way; they’d all been playing together. This year they’ve got most of the same boys that were on those two teams plus a good amount of boys that Seth played with last year. There was some good footwork and some good team work. I honestly love watching them play.
And just think, this season is half over. So sad. I kind of hope one of them wants to play Quabbin in the spring. There are some conditions but still. . .
In other news, last week, due to specials and appointments and early releases, was a mess. This week should be better. We have only one appointment and it is for Amena at 5:20 on Monday. I can take the boys to practice, take Amena to the doctor, pick the boys up from practice, and all will be good. Kind of puts a kielbash on the other thing I would have liked to do Monday evening but I’ll live.
Tuesday Cedric might have scouts. Wednesday evening will be fun but the day is empty. Thursday and Friday are so far blank slates. Saturday we play Barre in Barre at Felton Field. At 9:00 am. After that the games will be at noon, 10:30, and noon and that’s all she wrote. So after next week, I won’t be disturbing anyone quite so early with game updates.
Anyway, yesterday I began doing what I should have done before school official started: creating lesson plans. We’ve been muddling along and doing alright but I think we’ll do better because I’ll have a master plan in place rather than having to come up with something each week. I mean, a master plan is the only reason we survived homeschooling for fourteen years even though it took probably ten of them to really refine things to the point where they worked really well. I almost finished the master plan yesterday and pretty much did this morning. Now I need to get ready for next week which I did a little of yesterday but have to finish today.
Yesterday morning I had my dentist appointment. That went well. I dropped the boys off with Joanna and Zak and then picked them up on my way home. Amena had Abby and Charlotte spend the night last night. Paul and I went out to eat at the Thai place we’d only been to once. I don’t remember the name of what I had but, boy! is it good. Could stand to have a little more heat since it had three little chili peppers by it which indicates it’s supposed to be hot but the flavor was fantastic.
Right now I’m going to call this good. I need a drink and I need to sign Cedric up for the SCOUTStrong program and I need to go out and get my 30 minutes in for the day. Then I need to report on everything that we’ve all done and take a shower and go to a baby shower and whatever else I need to do. In no particular order even though I did use the word ‘then’ which indicates order of some kind.

Have a terrific day!

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