Monday, September 29, 2014


Good morning! I am very tempted to complain long and loud (I believe some would call it vent) about some things. I might actually do it. I might.
Saturday I went to Elizabeth and Jonathan’s shower. It was nice and there were a lot of people there. They got a LOT of stuff, which was nice. I got there early (at least 10 minutes) because that’s what I like to do and it started late (about 30 minutes). In spite of the fact that it was nice, I was ready to go home already at that point. There were too many people and, I think mainly because it got started so late, it seemed to drag on forever. Jessica wanted to know if she could go home with me in order to )watch the General Women’s Broadcast and I was fine with that but as 6:00 approached, I said she needed to finish eating because I was leaving.
We picked the sisters up on the way to church in the morning. This tree is just across from the entrance to their building.

I have to admit that I was a little annoyed as well because Elizabeth was convinced that I gave her my cold when I took her to the doctor Monday. It is much more likely that she picked it up from church on Sunday because people are actually contagious for days before they exhibit any symptoms and Monday all I had was a stuffy nose. Sigh. People just don’t seem to understand colds and contagion.
Church yesterday was okay. Sacrament meeting went long which meant that Sunday School ended up going long which meant that Relief Society started late and there were quite a few announcements and so the Young Women didn’t get to class until late and Emily West was taking more pictures and so we had very little class time. Which was actually quite fine because my lesson was extremely short.
This was our sunrise this morning. Very pretty.

We got home and the ham I’d put in the oven before leaving according to package instructions was obviously overdone. When Paul got home, he said he’d looked at the temperature the oven was set to and wondered why it was so high (he said it was at 375°) and considered turning it down but thought I  must know what I was doing. Well, this isn’t the first time this has happened. I specifically recall one other time when I put something in the oven and specifically remember turning the oven to 375 and then down because it didn’t need to be so high. That was annoying.
The afternoon was beautiful and there was a fireside at 6:00. We didn’t go. It was the second fireside covering the same topic and we didn’t go the first time. I’m sure there was some good stuff presented but I really just wasn’t interested. Yes, I know we should be supportive of others but the whole premise was annoying to me and so it would not have done us or anyone else any good had we been there.
Minion this morning. She was playing with her siblings.

Okay, so here it is.
As most of you should know, we are what many people call Mormon. We belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I believe that religion is important and I believe that whatever church you belong to, you should live up to the standards that are taught by the church. I believe that in order to keep the Sabbath day holy, there are certain things we should not do on Sunday. We should avoid shopping, we should not attend sporting events, we should not do anything that requires anyone else to work. The argument that “Well, the store is open already, so what difference does it make?” doesn’t fly with me. It is only open because people shop on Sunday. If no one shopped, it wouldn’t be open. So, sorry, I do happen to think it makes a difference.
That said, this fireside was for someone who competed in an Iron Man race. I think that’s fabulous! I mean, the work and effort put in to training for such a race is incredible. I don’t care that this person didn’t win, I just think it’s amazing the time and effort spent to be able to compete. What I do care about is that the race was on a Sunday. And that we are supposed to support it.
If I do that, I guess it’s perfectly fine for us to start missing the last hour or two of church so that we can go on hikes with the scout pack Seth are Joseph are in. I mean, it’s a family thing, not just the boys would be participating, the whole family would be. And not as spectators. And yesterday was such a beautiful day I would much rather have been out hiking than sitting in church.
If I do that, then I guess it’s perfectly fine to let the boys play soccer on Sunday because that would be a family event, too. I mean, only the boys would actually be playing, but we’d be there for support and I really do love watching them play.
Anyway, that’s it in a nutshell. Maybe a coconut shell, but still.

Have a spectacularly wonderful day!

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