Tuesday, September 30, 2014

1066 (a few words and a busy year in England)

Good morning! I wasn’t going to write today but the day has already been one that begs to be written about. It was even at 6:00 which was an hour and eighteen minutes ago. I can’t say that it’s just been ‘one of those days,’ because it hasn’t. It has been, already at this early hour, a day unlike any other.
It started at 5:00 when my alarm went off. It isn’t often that I go to bed tired but otherwise fine and wake up with a headache but that is what happened. I got up and noticed there was light downstairs. I made sure Amena was getting up which was easy because she got up and went in the bathroom and told Cedric it was 5:00. I waited for Amena to be done in the bathroom because I didn’t want to go downstairs because I didn’t have any shoes on and if there was pee or poo on the floor I might step in it and I didn’t want to have that added to whatever else the day might bring. So I waited. And when I was done, I went back to bed.
While I was in bed, I could hear at least one boy downstairs eating and talking to a cat. Big surprise, that, but I managed to mostly ignore it and lay in bed willing my headache to go away. It mostly did and I can’t say that headaches will be all that uncommon perhaps in the next few weeks but more about that later.
I got up at 6:00 and Amena was getting ready. Cedric was still in bed. Seth and Joseph were downstairs. Not only were they downstairs but they had a blanket and six pillows on the kitchen floor and had the dog’s water dish and food dishes in the kitchen with both entrances blockaded. Not only that, but they had two cats and seven kittens in the house. Honestly, I don’t know what thought processes possess their minds at times but it was a quickly returned to the way it should be.
I made lunches, made too many trips up and down the stairs because I kept forgetting to get and/or do everything at once, took a picture of my feet on the scale, cleaned up a dog pee puddle, got dressed, etc., etc., etc. And then sat down to eat and finish reading an article. Amena got off in time and Cedric came to me and said, “Can I watch five minutes of a video called ‘Ten Things You Didn’t Know About Volcanoes?’” It appears they’d watched most of it in class and he just wanted to see the end. We actually watched the last ten minutes which was about Yellowstone and wasn’t anything that I didn’t know but there was some good footage and since it was a BBC production, the narrator had a lovely accent. I think I’d like to watch the whole thing; even if I know all ten things (which I don’t know that I do), I do love volcanoes and it might be a good thing for the boys to watch Thursday or Friday. Or maybe even tomorrow.
And that’s just today. So far.
Yesterday there was no soccer practice because most of the 5th graders are at Nature’s Classroom this week. There will still be practice Wednesday, though. Too bad it wasn’t yesterday and not Wednesday. Oh well.
Amena did have a follow up appointment for her latest asthma issue and as I suspected, we took care of the symptoms but won’t look at anything further unless she has to use her inhaler more often in the near future. Is there not something that could be done? Could we not examine the root cause rather than just deal with the symptoms? That’s what I would like to do. That’s what Amena would like to do. I guess it’s time to begin the search for a doctor or doctors who might be a good fit and then get the referral(s) we need to be seen. I wish essential oils were covered by insurance.
The boys did school and school went well. We got everything done that needed to be and other than a bit of grumbling about handwriting practice, it was a good day. The article I finished reading this morning is titled “Effects of Technology on Writing” and is very interesting. I’m not going to tell you about it right now but it reinforced my thoughts that writing needs to be across the board. I’m sure there might be some grumbling, more than there was yesterday, but ignoring language and writing is detrimental to society, not just the individual. And what good is a good brain if the person who has it can’t fully express the thoughts happening in it?
Before lunch, we went to the rec field. My plan had been to do my C25K thing while Cedric and Seth had practice but since there was no practice, that wasn’t going to happen. I could have gone on one of the roads here but didn’t really want to due to the lovely hilly nature of them. It’s amazing what a difference it made going to the rec field. The trail there isn’t completely level but it isn’t as hilly as our neck of the woods so I was able to go farther without feeling like I was going to die. Interestingly, the GPS worked at the rec field but not going down Shady Lane (I think there’s something shady about that).  Yesterday I went 2.31 miles in 30 minutes which broke down to 1.55 miles walking at an average pace of 14:09 minutes per mile and .76 miles jogging at an average pace of 10:27 minutes per mile. Pretty cool, pretty cool.
I think the headache was related to the C25K and the fact that I’ve been eating less. And better. When you start cleaning things out, and just drinking lots of water, eating less better quality food, and exercise will help do that, everything is set in motion. All that bad stuff that’s been being stored in the fat has to go somewhere and sometimes it causes headaches. I guess I just need to be sure to drink enough water and yesterday I didn’t. Moral of the story: remember to do what needs to be done.

Have a fantastical day!

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