Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Gift Certificates and Lasagna

Good morning!
We are having another cloudy and windy day. That would be great if the grass were not in seed. Yesterday I went out to move stakes for the goats and it was not good. I came in and used my allergy eye drops and just closed my eyes for a couple of minutes. Then I took a shower and after that used the allergy eye drops again and an hour or so later, I finally started feeling somewhat normal. I would rather have to wear long pants and sleeves when I go out because there really isn’t anything I can do about my eyes other than wear goggles and it’s hard to find any that work over glasses. And throwing contacts into the mix is not something I care to deal with at all. I would love to be working on the garden and other things outside more but it’s very hard to get excited about such things when it’s so not exciting when I come in and am itching to beat the band.
In spite of that, I managed to get a few things done yesterday. A few like 250 gift certificates. Other than that, not a whole lot other than starting some yogurt and changing sheets. Pretty darn exciting.
This morning I measured out milk to make cheese. Speaking of cheese, I made lasagna for dinner yesterday and I used the farmer’s cheese that I made with the goat milk. Turned out pretty good but I think it (the cheese) needs more salt. I’ll fix that today when I get it made.
Speaking of lasagna, when Paul got home (early because he wasn’t feeling well), he asked what was for dinner (except he probably said supper). I said, “Lasagna.”
“No,” I answered. “I went to the store and bought some.”
“Well,” he responded, “it could have been something I’d bought.”
“Yes, but in my opinion anything premade from the store isn’t worth eating.”
“But it’s a quick, easy meal.”
“Not when you have to thaw it out ahead of time or it has to be in the oven for an hour.”
Quick and easy in my book is something I can have ready to eat in fifteen minutes or less. I guess we just have different ideas of what “quick and easy” is. I’m pretty convinced I’m right although I will concede that from Paul’s point of view, he is. And, ultimately, all it really requires is thinking ahead far enough to have something ready when it’s time to eat.
Today I would like to finish my gift certificate project. I need to 90 for a free bar of soap and 135 for free shipping. Should be pretty exciting. I know the ones I did yesterday were extremely exciting. At some point, I need to go to Staples and get a new mat for my paper cutter so I can cut these things apart because I printed them out six to a page.
It was a lot of fun, you know, writing the same thing over and over again. I would like to say I didn't make any mistakes but I'm afraid I've wasted the equivalent of probably three sheets of paper. At least I haven't messed up my name yet. :)

I also have a wedding dress to hem up. Other than that, Seth and Cedric have scouts tonight. I’m looking forward to that because I haven’t worked on CailĂ­n and Hywel since Friday. I really am very close to being done with that—probably a chapter or two and an epilogue. To me, that’s kind of exciting. And a little sad.
In other news, Amena missed the bus yesterday by a long shot. Today she missed it by a hair. Yesterday she needed a two-liter soda for science so we went to Walmart and got one and then to school so it took an even bigger chunk out of my morning. Today we caught up with the bus by the end of Ragged Hill Road but it didn’t have another stop until reaching Hale on Barre Road. The good thing is that there weren’t any cars between us and the bus. Also nice was the fact that I was back by the time we’d left yesterday. Yes, I do time travel.
Right now Seth and Joseph are out with the goats. The kids are awfully cute. Cedric is upstairs. He asked if I would pick him up from school to take him to the West’s to work and that’s fine. He just has to be ready to be picked up from there in time to get to scouts. And he needs to find his book.
And that is it for now. I could blather on forever about nothing but would rather not.

Have a splendiferous day!

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