Monday, June 15, 2015

Today: Rain

From Friday:
Good  morning! Busy day (mostly afternoon and evening) yesterday, busy day today.
Yesterday morning Cedric needed (broadly defined) to go to Walmart and get some things for Field Day at school. That didn’t take too long; we left the house at 7:14 and could have made it back in time for him to catch the bus at 7:45. However, he had many things to carry and it probably would have taken five minutes for him to get it all on the bus so we just went to school and I helped him carry it up to his room.
For lunch we had the sister missionaries like we usually do on Thursday. We had chicken and leftover macaroni salad.
When Cedric got home, he needed to get some stuff for a project at school. He and his group (consisting of Ryan, Chris and I’m not sure who else) are making a bottle rocket launcher. Cedric had a list of things that he needed to get but it wasn’t very clear on a few things so we did the best we could. Then when we got home, I watched the video showing what was needed and some things became more clear. However, I needed to milk the goats and take Seth to a patrol meeting so I couldn’t go back until I’d milked the goats and delivered Seth.
Then I went back to the second hardware store we’d visited and got a few things. Then I went home and watched the video that tells how to construct the launcher and some things became more clear and we discovered that one of the items needed wasn’t on the list but by that time it was too late to go back because the hardware stores would have been closed by the time I could have gotten there.
So I told Cedric I could get that stuff today and I went to get Seth. Had kind of a long wait because one of their troop had a baseball game in Westminster and they wanted to make sure he participated in the making of their patrol flag so once he got there, they finished up and that was that and we got home at almost 9:00 rather than the 8:15 or so I was expecting. Still, that was okay; just not quite what I’d been expecting.
When we got home, Amena was finishing making brownies and had just gotten the macaroni and cheese going for Joseph’s dinner. Needless to say, it was a late night getting everyone to bed. And that just means that I didn’t have any time for any of my stuff (think writing) before I went to bed. Not cool. But life.
This morning I’ve already milked and Amena already didn’t miss the bus. Two good things. I took water out to the goats and they drank most of four gallons so I brought the bucket back in and refilled it but haven’t taken it out yet. Soon.
Seth and Joseph have dentist appointments beginning at 8:15 this morning. Then we will come home and then leave to go to the Troops in time to be there at 11:00 so Julia and I can visit Amy. Then we will leave at noon so we can go pick María up because Elizabeth asked if I could watch her today from 1:00 until 6:00. Happy too! Hopefully I won’t be changing my tune about that.
There is a wedding at 5:00 but since I have to milk at 6:00 and get María back to her mama, I’m thinking the wedding just isn’t going to happen for us. It would be nice but there are only so many things one person can do. Sometime in there I’m going to have to go back to a hardware store to get things for Cedric. I want to wait until he gets home from school so I’ll know if we have to get any of the stuff that Chris has. It seems he may have it at home or he may have it at school. If it’s at school, great, Cedric can bring it home. If it’s at home, not so great, I’ll have to pick up some nuts, washers, and a couple other things.
And now it’s time for a shower. Have a great day!

From today:
Good morning! It is a lovely rainy day so far. Currently 55° with 92% humidity. I could do without the humidity but considering that it is raining, I think it’ll be with us for a while. Wet dog, however, does not smell good.
Friday was busy enough that I did not get a chance to post what I had written. Saturday was Saturday and yesterday I just never did it.
Friday did not look quite like I thought it would because Julia and I did not go visit Amy.
The boys did have their appointments with the dentist. We got home from that and didn’t have to leave until noon to get María so we had an hour and a half to do things around the house. That was nice, actually. I made cheese and Julia came over to get the whey and help me move the hospital bed that’s been in the way of getting outside from the back room for about three and a half years. It is now on the back porch.
We picked María up and I’d told Seth he could ride in the front because it would be crowded in the back with a car seat but he decided he didn’t want to because she’s so cute. We dropped Elizabeth off at work and went home.
Once we got home, María was fussy for an hour or so but then she fell asleep and when she woke up, she was fine. She ate a little bit of her mango and had a little bit of water and played. When Cedric got home, he said, “Oh, no! Not her! She was at the West’s Wednesday and she wouldn’t stop crying.” I confirmed this with Emily who said María did indeed cry the entire time she watched her Wednesday. Thursday she only cried half the time. I don’t know if we only got fussy for an hour because she was finally getting used to the idea of being away from Elizabeth and Jonathan or what but I am glad we only got an hour.
At five I was getting ready to milk so that I could milk at 5:30 and then we’d take María to pick up Elizabeth but because it would mean Seth watching her and possibly having to attempt consoling a crying baby, I decided that I would milk late and we left to take her home. We were early so we stopped at Burger King and got milkshakes. That didn’t take too long so we took the long way and drove slow. Even with that, we were ten minutes early. María didn’t care; she fell asleep on the way and when she woke up she was happy and then she got her mama back so she was good.
Joanna says that we can watch María any time. Even Cedric thinks she’s cute and kept poking her little rolls of fat and grinning (he says his babies will be born with six-packs). Seth and Joseph are in love, I think, and Amena seems to like her alright, too. I am not interested in watching María every day (because I’m selfish and like to do what I like to do) but once in a while is completely fine. She is a very cute baby and it is nice to have one around sometimes. Joseph actually told me that he’d like a baby brother or sister. I told him he can have all the cousins he wants.
Saturday Cedric and I had to make two trips to hardware stores to get what he needed to finish the project for school. Finally everything was collected and was the right stuff and I helped him put it together. Then he launched a few times. It’s pretty cool.
Yesterday was Stake Conference. It was good. I really didn’t want to go because I don’t like driving with three boys in the back seat and I was dreading the possible heat of the day and having to drive home in it but that part wasn’t too bad. As is usually the case, I’m glad I went.
Today is rainy and I have to get some lotion and liquid soap made. Should be fun. Got to get some work done in the kitchen first because the counter that I cleared off last week hardly looks like it today.

Have a fantastic day!

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