Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Busy Life

Good morning. Life has been incredibly busy around here. This is why I have been somewhat absent from here for a time.
Just for example, Saturday Amena needed to be dropped off at the school at 7:00 in the morning. That didn’t take long—all I had to do is drop her off—but it did take travel time. Seth had a game in Holden at 10:30. Travel time isn’t terrible but they had quarter breaks after a fashion so the game didn’t get over until close to noon. There was a flag retirement at the rec field at 1:00 which meant we needed to hurry home from the soccer game, eat lunch, and get to the rec field. The flag retirement was very nice. My allergies were acting up. But we had to leave at 2:00 so I could get back to the school for a parents meeting at I thought 2:30. It was actually at 2:50 so we could have stayed a bit longer for the flag retirement. The meeting ran late and Amena wasn’t ready when the meeting was over so it was almost 4:00 by the time we left. Then, finally, I could relax.
The game Saturday was really good. The other team got three points in the first half but Hubbardston came back with five points so they won 5 to 3. There were a couple of boys on the other team that Seth wasn’t pleased with and he refused to high five the one with blue shoes. It seems that blue shoes made a big deal about this so Seth had to get a talking to about sportsmanship.
Another example from yesterday: There was an MMA meeting at Katie’s house that I thought it would be a good idea to go to. I’d like to start attending all of their meetings. That was from 10:00 until 2:00. I had to take Seth and Joseph but that was okay because there are still two kittens. They played with Luna (she’s a calico) mostly and ate and that was their time there. The meeting itself was interesting; there were only six people there and two of us were students.
After that, Joseph had scouts from 3:30 to 4:30 and I agreed to be there because Roger’s dad couldn’t make it. I’m hoping to be able to stay for most of the rest of Joseph’s den meetings anyway and yesterday was fun because they made barometers and set up a tent.
Cedric did not have cross country practice. He had a meet Monday, though, and came in 10th overall. That’s pretty good, I think. Anyway, not having practice made life a little easier although I had asked Ryan’s mom if she could bring him home and she agreed.
Yesterday evening was the first Court of Honor for Troop 12. Seth got three merit badges and Cedric got two.
Today Seth and Joseph are making up the work that didn’t get done and doing a pretty good job. Seth has two math lessons to do and Joseph has math to finish, two grammar lessons, and history. Then we have reading and science. So, even though almost nothing was done yesterday, they’re doing well today.
Anyway, that’s kind of what life has been looking like for the last couple of weeks.
The reason I actually decided to write today is because of something I saw on Facebook.  What did I see? An article referring to a blog post that had a rebuttal in the comments. What were these things about? The fact that Ina May Gaskin signed her name to a letter. Okay, it’s a lot deeper than that, but ultimately, that’s what it’s all about. And because it is turning out to be more than just a quick spillage of words on a blank slate, you’ll have to wait to see what I have to say about it until tomorrow.

Have a great day.

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