Tuesday, September 22, 2015

More Fun

Good morning! Twenty-one years ago today, Joanna made her debut in this world! Just seeing the beautiful, smart, caring, person she is makes my insides smile so much it leaks out my eyes. I feel blessed to be her mother in spite of the many mistakes I’ve made along the way. I love you, Joanna.
This is going to be short because there is much to do and time is running out.
The boys made brownies yesterday for art. Joseph earned his by taking the goats out Sunday morning when it was actually Amena's turn and Seth earned his for being so helpful Sunday afternoon. Isn't this just the cutest baker ever?

Saturday Seth, Joseph and I went on a hike with the Cub Scouts. It was a nice hike even if I thought I was going to die by the end (not really but you know how it goes). I had been having breathing problems already and attending to them with an inhaler and an essential oil blend and they did help. The problem was that some of the hills we went up (and then down) were very steep. Still, I’d like to do it again in the spring.
Seth spraying his pan.

Saturday night I had a hard time sleeping. The fever and chills were setting in and I was coughing to beat the band. I still went to church but was so tired I couldn’t even knit all the way through Sacrament Meeting. That’s bad. I felt progressively worse throughout the day and we ended up not going to Joanna and Lincoln’s Jack and Jill party. I just looked at pictures from it and we should have been there. At least some of us.
You can't get all the batter out, you know, then there would be nothing to clean out.

Yesterday the fever and chills were still around and I was still coughing. At one point, I was coughing so much I vomited a bunch of mucous. That was fun. Still, I was functional, and managed to get a lot of laundry washed and dried (because the drier would help keep the house warm) and quite a bit of sewing.
Seth was having fun stirring. And stirring. They each made their own brownies and Seth actually helped Joseph stir his.

This morning Amena missed the bus but only because the printer was being difficult and she hadn’t been able to get on the computer last night to print out what she needed. We were able to catch up with the bus and Mr. Hale actually stopped at an unscheduled place for us. Mr. Hale is an awesome bus driver.
The sky to the east this morning.

And this is all for now. Have a fantastic day!
Very pretty this morning.

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