Thursday, April 18, 2013


Good morning! What a beautiful day! Other than the fact I do not have internet access at the moment for some unknown reason, life is pretty good.
Yesterday was an interesting one. Quite frankly, I’m not really remembering what we did in the morning. I know I did something but I don’t remember what. I did work on accounting some and got the second problem about two thirds of the way done. Amena and the boys went outside to eat lunch and then went exploring. I was looking for a sock so I cleared off all the stuff that I had collected on the loom and the stuff under it. I didn’t find the sock I was looking for but did find some other things.
I went to my chiropractic appointment in the afternoon and went ready to go to the job fair in Worcester after. I got gas because it’s cheaper in Leominster and then I left for Worcester. I got there and I really tried to talk myself out of going because I wasn’t sure the parking was cool (where I was parked there were no signs but farther up the street there are signs that say one-hour parking only). I was about .7 of a mile away from where I needed to be (there is no free parking near and I was not going to pay) with shoes not really great for walking and I was way overdressed for the temperature. Still, I was there, and I figured I couldn’t just leave without going so I went. .7 of a mile really isn’t that far (unless you have shoes not good for walking and it’s too warm AND you forgot your water at home) so I set out and got there and was surprised. The job fairs I’m familiar with are like cattle brandings with a bunch of people milling around attempting to talk to people representing companies they would like to work for. Not this one. You signed in, filled out a paper, and sat down to wait until your name was called. Wow.
Seth was not able to go to practice because Will was going to a birthday party and I didn’t know when I’d be home so I didn’t think it would be wise for Laura to take him and leave him.
While I was gone, Snowflake had her babies. Cedric discovered this happy fact which was tempered by the death of one of the kids. There were three, two boys and one girl. One of the boys didn’t make it. The other two are doing well. I am not sure why Raven and Bella said that our goats are not good mothers because Snowflake was really good. She was letting them suck and they were all cleaned off when I got home. Even when she wanted to go in, she stood still and let them suck. They were cold this morning so I let Seth bring them in after we got a crate ready for them. As soon as they wake up and get active, they need to go out to see mama and have some breakfast. Amena wants to name them Ron and Jenny. Imagine that.
Today I have class and then an honors luncheon. Cedric has practice this evening. Doula training starts tomorrow.
Have a great day!

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