Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Oops! Please Help!

I was going to add this to the other post and went and forgot. I really, really, really, need people to do this for me in order to make my project more objective and well-rounded.

I need help with a project for school. It is a rather large project and I expect that anyone who is willing to help could spend a relatively substantial amount of time doing what needs to be done.
While taking a look at the following websites:
I need you to rate each the following on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best) for each site:
1. Ease of maneuvering web site
2. Number of products
3. Total product differentiation (how many types of products do they have, such as bar soaps, liquid soaps, lotion, etc.)
4. Product differentiation within each product category (how many different bars of soap, how many different liquid soaps, etc.)
5. Shipping prices
6. Ease of ordering (you don’t have to order anything, just pretend)
7. Aesthetic web site (is it pleasing to the eye)
8. Size of bars
9. Ethical (do they seem to care about the environment and being honest and fair)
10. Knowledgeable (do they seem to know what they’re doing)
Many thanks.

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