Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Good afternoon! How has your day been? We’ve had quite an interesting one.
Monday was pretty good. Pretty busy. I got almost everything done that I wanted. I did not stay for the PTK meeting at school because I would not have gotten home until almost 2:00 and I had an accounting exam I needed to take. Getting home at almost 2:00 would have only allowed a little more than 1 ½ hours to finish before the bus arrived bring home four distractions which would not have been good for getting a decent grade. Instead, I came home and took the exam and got a 90 something on it which I can deal with. I hope I do better on the last one and I am glad that she drops the lowest. Seth and I went to the meeting at his soccer coach’s house. That was alright. Longish drive but no longer than taking Cedric to practice. Fortunately, Will is on the same team so Seth will be able to ride with him which is very good because they have practice on Tuesday same time as Cedric. I cannot be in two places at one time.
Yesterday was pretty okay as well. I accomplished most of the things on my list. Cedric and Seth went to a birthday party at 6:00 at Gardner Ten Pins so neither one went to practice which made my afternoon/evening much easier. We had Elders Stevens and Nash over for supper and we ate turkey chowder and almost no-knead bread. Amena had made cookies so we had those for dessert. It was strange with only Joseph here for the boys; much more quiet. Joanna went to pick the boys up and her Jeep wouldn’t start. She’s decided that the bowling alley has some kind of an effect on the Jeep. It isn’t the battery so Paul thinks it might be the alternator or the generator.
Last night Amena pointed out that if neither Laura nor Joanna was going to be home this afternoon, there would be no one home when Seth and Joseph got off the bus because today was a half day and she and Cedric would be at Roll On America. Hmmmmm. What to do? Laura’s schedule for today was 8 to 5 and Joanna’s 11 something to 7 something so neither would be here. I decided to just keep them home from school and take them with me to school. I needed to go early to make some copies for my group’s presentation in Economics but that was in the Honor’s Room so I knew they could color or draw or something at the table there which is what they did. Then during class, I figured they could just sit in the back corner with books and crayons and papers and something to eat and drink which is what they did. They were very good and they liked watching the Passat commercial that I had in my part of the presentation. It has a little boy dressed up like Darth Vader and he’s doing his best to use the Force to make things move and having no luck. When his dad gets home, he runs out to the car to make it start and is wildly surprised when the car actually starts! It is my absolute favorite commercial ever. They were very good and made quite an impression on Dr. Greenwood.
Now the boys are playing with Daniel’s Legos and Laura just got home. Amena is waiting to use my computer and I need to get some supper ready for everyone.
I hope the rest of your day is fantabulous!

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