Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Good morning! It’s a smoky one at our house because the two strawberry rhubarb pies Laura and I baked overflowed and I forgot to clean up the mess before turning the oven on this morning for strawberry rhubarb muffins. The muffins may wind up being smoked muffins rather than baked muffins but they looked good going into the oven. We’ll see how they look coming out.
Meeting with the attorney wasn’t bad. We talked about the fact that the police report says that I "didn't realize there was a stop sign" which does NOT mean that I didn’t stop. We looked at the stop signs and went over what I would have done. Interestingly, she asked if I heard brakes screeching. I did not. I don’t think the guy used his brakes. Anyway, I still would rather have gone to kindergarten. Tomorrow is the deposition which she says should take about half an hour so I should be on my way out of Worcester by about 3:30 which will be just about perfect for getting Cedric to practice.
After my trip to Worcester, I put on a long-sleeve t-shirt and went out to plant things. I planted four rhododendrons down on the other side of the creek from Daniel’s grave. I planted three down at the bottom of the hill near the fruit trees. There are two stumps (well, actually four but one tall one and one short one in two places). Each group got a rhododendron and there are some rocks toward the road that got one as well. I planted two kinds of irises on/in the stumps as well as a blue flowering plant which I have forgotten the name of.
The bugs were terrible, which is why I wore long sleeves and jeans. Some of them bite and leave little blister-type owies. Depending on where they bite, such as the back of the hand or the ear, they really hurt. So, they itch like crazy but if you touch them they hurt like crazy. Not cool. Lavender essential oil does help with the itching so I am glad that I have some. I hope Paul doesn’t mind the smell because I smelled of it last night. I was starting to itch again this morning so it appears to last for 6 to 7 hours. If you are in bed.
Today Laura is going to help me rearrange things. We are putting the mattresses in the back room up against a wall and moving the piano from by the stairs to the back room in front of the mattresses. We are moving two bookcases up from the basement to the back room and I am going to fill them with books. Then I am going to attack my room. I need to find the syllabus from my phlebotomy internship. Yes, my B grade for that is still bothering me. With the B, my GPA is only 3.87. With an A, it would have been 3.955. Since the instructor said in class that the grade would be pass or fail, I am hoping that the syllabus agrees with that which means that people should either have passed or failed or, in the insistence of giving letter grades, an A or an F.
The muffins are done and they are pretty. They do not taste of smoke which is good; they are actually rather tasty and very good with a cup of milk.
Have a wonderful day!

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