Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Happy Birthday, Papa!

Happy Birthday, Papa! We think of you often (like all the time) and miss you and love you!

Today is a beautiful day if a bit warm (64° already), muggy and buggy. Today I get to meet with an attorney at the scene of our December accident. That should be fun and exciting. It will definitely throw my schedule off because there is no way I’ll be able to ride my 14 miles AND do Pilates AND take a shower in time to be there at 10:30 this morning. However, I am glad it is this morning and not this afternoon because this afternoon it will be warmer (and it’s always warmer in Worcester) AND there is soccer practice and Barre won’t be much warmer than we are.
There were some awesome clouds yesterday.
And that brings me to a pronunciation issue. Why don’t people in New England know how to properly pronounce things? I mean, look at Barre. How would you pronounce that? Bar? That’s what I thought upon arrival. But, no, it’s like this “berry.” Go figure. Petersham is “Petersam.” Worcester is “Wooster” or “Woosta.” Gardner is usually “Gahdnah.” Leominster  is “Lemon-stir.” And don’t forget to say it fast. And those are just ones near us. Crazy.
Seth doing what he does best: run.
Seth’s game yesterday was very good. They played well together and were well matched against the other team although they were a slightly older team. Seth is in the 9 and 10 year-old group. He and Will are still just 9 and most of the other boys are closer to 10 than 11. Most of the boys on the other team are closer to 11. Anyway, it was a good game with a final score of 4 to 6.
I like this picture.
I accomplished nothing on my list of things to do. Which was not so great but very life-like. Well, I take that back. I did get lots of laundry washed and dried. Now I have a ton to sort and fold. Yay. I should have put planting flowers on my list because then I would have gotten part of that done. I am hoping to finish today but am not holding my breath. With the bug situation, I’d really prefer to not go outside until about October.
I hope you all have a wonderful day!

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