Tuesday, June 10, 2014

That was Yesterday

From yesterday:
Good morning! It is quite lovely outside, overcast and cool. However, the bugs are already awful. I’ve decided that it matters not where you live, there are dangers everywhere. In California there was pollen and, once everything dried out, dust. In New Mexico, there was pollen, dust, and nasty bugs. In Idaho there was pollen and dust. In Massachusetts, there is pollen and bugs. And speaking of bugs, I can see the reason for some of them, such as flies, butterflies, honey bees, etc. What is the purpose of a mosquito? Or a May fly? Or a knat? If we must have mosquitoes, I would like more mosquito eaters because they serve a purpose and are kind of cool-looking. More dragon flies would be nice, as well. They are beautiful and eat the bugs that I see no purpose for. More swallows would be nice, too, since they help control the bug population. It seems to me that while we have bugs and birds to eat the nasty bugs I don’t like, we have an overabundance of the nasty bugs still so we need more of the bugs and birds that eat them. Maybe some bats, too.
Yesterday was a Sunday. We did normal Sunday things like going to church and having Family Home Evening. Paul and I went to visit the Fullers and then went to pick Cedric up; he’d gone to Ludlow to practice for the youth choir that will be singing at Stake Conference this coming Sunday. Amena didn’t go because she said she had too much reading to do and besides she’d already practiced at the whatever activity it was that they sang the arrangement they’ll be singing. Poor excuse. She should have taken her book with her.
Saturday was Saturday. It was too long ago to remember much.

From today:
“That was yesterday
But today life goes on
No more hiding in yesterday
'Cause yesterday's gone”
(“That was Yesterday” by Foreigner)
And today is today.
Yesterday  morning I did some dishes and some laundry folding. Julia invited me and Jessica over to do crafty stuff because the sister missionaries were going over to do that and their laundry and she thought we could all have fun together. I cut out a couple of little boys in a soccer uniform with soccer balls and nets. The sisters were cutting out all kinds of things. Jessica made a game and some other things. Julia made soap pallets. She makes them out of craft (popsicle) sticks and hot glue and uses them for the soap she’s made while curing.
I called a woman from the high school who had called last week and we chatted for a bit. She said that while she understands why I would want to talk to students who knew and were friends with Daniel, due to confidentiality it would be inappropriate. I can understand that, to a point, but honestly, I think we’ve taken confidentiality to a bit of an extreme. Confidentiality at the doctor is good because the whole world does not need to know what is wrong with me. It’s kind of ridiculous that the world has gotten to the point where information can’t even be given to a spouse without written approval. And a parent with a different last name from a child has to jump through about five billion hoops to cash a $15 birthday check. School isn’t like classified information and I don’t see why I can’t talk about a woman in labor; it isn’t like I’d go around telling everyone that I saw such-and-such a student doing this-or-that or heaven-forbid-what-happened-in-the-hospital-when-this-woman-was-in-labor! Still, a lot of people would, I guess, or we wouldn’t have these laws and regulations. Just because we have them doesn’t mean I have to like them, though, does it?
Anyway, the jist of the conversation was that it wouldn’t be appropriate for the school to make a blanket announcement about talking to me about Daniel but I could certainly get a year book from Hubbardston Center School and make cold calls to the parents of his friends. Big problem with that is that although he was friends with some students from Hubbardston, he was becoming better friends with students from other towns and their names won’t be in a Hubbardston year book. I don’t even remember any names. Although I do have the banner that a bunch of students and teachers signed at the beginning of what would have been his 8th grade year. So, there is that. And I just thought that I could have something put in a couple of papers—Gardner and Barre. And yesterday I was thinking that Facebook is an option because a lot of students liked the page that someone did for R.I.P. Dan Davis. A resourceful person does not limit herself to one source, does she?
Paul called when he was leaving work to get a shopping list. I was going to email him one earlier in the day but the internet wasn’t working at the time so I wasn’t able to. I told him what I remembered from it but know there was more to it than that. He told me that we need to get everything from the accident taken care of. I guess there are loose ends that need to be tied up and apparently we can get some money from somebody as a result. For some reason, Paul decided that I don’t like to drive to Worcester and points beyond. I don’t like parking in downtown Worcester because you have to pay to park and I don’t like paying for anything if I don’t have to. Driving there doesn’t bother me. It’s Boston I don’t like to park OR drive in. I don’t mind driving to Auburn to see Christine or to go to That $1.99 Fabric Store (although the one time I went, Julia drove). So, that annoyed me. Then he said that the lawyer can meet me somewhere to sign papers but would probably charge $300 or $400 an hour for travel time so, because of that and the fact I don’t like driving to Worcester and points beyond, Paul can be the designated signee or whatever term is used. That annoyed me as well because I don’t mind driving as long as I have a seat that doesn’t kill my back. I don’t like driving the van because the seats are uncomfortable and the fact that it’s taller than the red one makes me uncomfortable as well; I don’t like driving the green car because the seat is not comfortable. Give me the white Jetta or the bug and I’m totally fine with driving long distances. Good grief!
 Then came the really big annoyance and I knew it was going to be because Paul prefaced it with, “This is going to infuriate you.” Dan is entitled to half of whatever monetary gain there is to be had. I’m not sure if that’s just Daniel’s part or if it’s all of it. That isn’t what I found annoying, either. The fact that people DIE and we expect to be compensated for . . . something. For what? Daniel is dead. No amount of money can bring him back. Nothing can bring him back. All I would like is for all the bills to be paid. That’s all. And then I’d like to carry on because just carrying on is hard enough sometimes.
What I wouldn’t mind is suing the pants off the guy who ran into us in December. And it isn’t him so much as his bloody wife. Due to traffic, I think that he was more at fault than I was and even if he isn’t more at fault, I think he was at least 50%. Actually, I think he was more than that. Because of that incident, we had to trade the blue Jetta that was supposed to be mine for the white van. The white van is taller than the red one, less comfortable, and carried fewer people. I liked the blue Jetta. I don’t like the white van. I like the red van. We got the white van because we thought it would be good to have something that we could all fit in. Well, we don’t even drive it now because it isn’t currently running and we have to take to vehicles to church most Sunday’s because I have early morning meetings.
This morning I have an IEP meeting at school about Seth. I need to do more dishes and more laundry and cut a brick of soap. I need to go to Staples and get some boxes for soap. And there’s always this and that and the other.
Have terrific day!

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