Monday, December 8, 2014

Día duit

Good morning. I’m not feeling terribly exuberant this morning; not exactly sad, either. Reflective, perhaps. I was, as I often do, checking my email and seeing what is on Facebook while I ate my breakfast. Facebook is a good way to keep in touch with family and friends but it is also a place where people are free to say things that they wouldn’t necessarily in face-to-face situations. In some ways this can be good. In some ways it is quite the opposite.
Fred and George socks all done. I really like these. I think I'll  make more. Oh, wait, I am making more--for Joseph!

While I was looking this morning, I noticed how very judgmental we, as a society, have become. We judge others on any number of criteria, not all good. Everyone has an opinion on the Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown cases, the man strangled to death in New York, all of the other murders not reported in the news, the motivations behind these things, and a great many other happenings and the people involved. I am not going to express my views. Honestly, I have opinions, but since I am not privy to all the facts (I’m not sure anyone is who relies solely on information gleaned from the internet), I could be wrong. The thing I find sobering this morning is that almost every single person I know, every single person who has expressed an opinion, is ready to pass judgment on someone. And, quite frankly, not everyone can be right.
This was our snowy morning sunrise. It was very pretty.

The good news, I believe, is that there will be a final judgment. When this happens, everyone who was involved in all the often heinous happenings in the world today will be judged. Righteously. This is what my belief system tells me and I find it a comforting thought. No matter what the circumstances, the thoughts, intents, actions, and outcome of each and every occurrence will be considered. I doubt very much that my opinions on the Trayvon Martin case will decide this final outcome. I’m really kind of glad—I don’t want the responsibility.
The socks I had to fix because I didn't fasten the yarn at the toe well enough and it came undone.

Life has been fairly life-like around here. Friday we ended up not doing any school because Seth and Joseph had dentist appointments and after that we went to Joanna’s. Then I went to Julia’s and we went to Michael’s. Then we went home and by then it was time for Amena to be home so we just didn’t do anything. At all. And I didn’t get ready for this week either. And now it’s almost 8:30 and we need to get busy and I have an appointment with the chiropractor but I’m not going to worry about it. I’m going to get done what can be done and not stress.
While I’m not going to stress, I’m not going to be here much longer either. So, have a wonderful day. Enjoy it. And only worry about the things over which you have control. Give the rest to God; He has ultimate control and if you don’t think he can handle it, maybe you should think again.


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