Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Bargaining

                The old man of the village embraced each of his three sons. "Bargain well," said he. "Remember, you must return before dark." He watched them slip from view over the brow of the hill, with the sun's first rays upon their backs.

            Villagers gathered, as the day wore on, to see which of the three sons bargained best. The noon hour had long since passed when the first son appeared on the hill. The villagers cheered. The son carried a large bundle of straw beneath each strong arm."Father," called he, "I have bargained well." He took the straw to the storage shed and cut its bindings. The straw swelled up and filled the shed to half.

            "Ahhh!   Ooohh!" exclaimed the villagers.

            "You have done well," said the father.

            Shortly the second son appeared on the hill. The villagers applauded. The son carried a large bundle of flax heavy upon his back. "Father," called he. "I have bargained well." He took the flax to the storage shed and cut its ties. The flax fluffed up to fill the shed to three-fourths.

            "Ahhh!   Ooohh!" exclaimed the villagers. "You have done very well," said the father.

            The last light of day shown behind the third son, as he appeared on the hill. The villagers were silent. His arms were empty. "Father," cried he, "I am sorry, for I have not bargained well. I came upon an old woman who had fallen. I lifted her, and learned she was blind. I helped her to her home and found she had nothing to eat. I am sorry, Father, for I took the bargaining coins and bought food for her shelf. The hours had passed, and I feared to return late. I hurried to leave. She called me back.

            “‘I want to give you something,’ said she. ‘I have nothing save this poor stub of candle and piece of flint.’”

            He placed the stub at the center of the storage shed floor. He struck the flint. A spark ignited the candle. The light of the candle filled the shed.

            "Ahhh!   Oooohh!   Wonderful!" exclaimed the villagers.
"Well done, my son. Indeed you have bargained well. Your light filled the entire shed.”

            The light of the world is Jesus Christ. We are in the season of His birth. This birth is Heavenly Father's gift to mankind. The life and death of Christ are His gift to us. What of our gift to Him? May we humbly offer genuine love and sincere concern to each of our family members and to individuals of our community.

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