Monday, April 27, 2015

Monday Morning

5:46 am
Good morning! I woke up before 5:00 this morning in anticipation of the alarm and I don’t think I went back to sleep. Once the alarm went off I did get up to see if Amena was awake (she was) and if Cedric wanted to get up (he said yes but his actions did not indicate such). I went back to bed after and even stayed in for about ten minutes after my 5:30 alarm but did not sleep.
I had some pretty interesting dreams. They were kind of zombie apocalypse only it seems that the zombies were pretty much dead. There were two major factions of people alive: the good ones and the bad ones. The good ones were constantly hiding and running and just trying to stay alive. The bad ones were constantly hunting the good ones. Not a good thing. But then the bad ones captured one of the good ones and they thought they were using him to as a spy against the good ones but he was actually passing information to the good ones. All kind of strange and far out.
One cool thing was that a family had managed to stay mostly intact (the father was no longer there but I’m not sure why) and their house was right in the middle of bad guy territory in a town. They’d managed to keep their house from detection and were actually something like a safe house. The mother was a chiropractor and the father had been a veterinarian. I think the son must have been something of an idiot savant because he didn’t seem to be mentally all there but he was able to save people when they were hurt, even helping to perform surgery. However, he was captured by the bad guys and they managed to find out about the house. The daughter wasn’t careful enough in a personal celebration and the bad guys managed to video her dancing around in her room. So the safe house was no longer safe and mom and daughter were on the run.
In other news, I actually did get to work on Laura’s dress Friday and Saturday. Putting gussets in seemed like such a good idea to add fullness to the skirt. I don’t know what I was thinking. Adding gussets to the skirt means adding seams to the skirt and I don’t know why I didn’t do the skirt first because I do know how quickly sewing nothing but long, straight seams gets not fun. I figured that each layer (there are only two, thank goodness) has about forty yards of seams because I’m doing French seams. Oh, boy. The organza layer is done. The satin layer is in progress. I had to stop at about 9:00 Saturday night because I really wanted to go to bed and didn’t want to start having problems. Today the skirt will be finished, the sleeves will be taken off and put back on, and the bodice will be attached to the skirt. Then I just have to sew on the lace and do the loops (which I need to get some crochet thread for) and hem it. The lace and loops I’ll get done before Laura gets here, the hem will wait until she is. And I really need a high enough ceiling for her to be able to stand on the table so I can do the hem but I don’t so I’m not sure what we’ll do.
In other news, I need to find food for Amena’s lunch. I didn’t get bread made Saturday because I was sewing so there is no bread that she likes (Paul did bring some rye home from the store but it’s disgusting—both because it’s rye [and therefore has caraway] and because it’s from the store).
6:18 am
And I’m back. I don’t think the lunch is much to write home about but it’s food and it’s not even bad food. Well, the chocolate candy might not be so great but it is edible. Currently she has about five minutes to finish getting ready because I am not interested in catching up with the bus and am even less interested in driving all the way to Barre.
Saturday for dinner we had chicken noodle soup. Seth and Joseph helped make the noodles. It had been so long since I’d made them. I know I hadn’t since we’ve been here and I’m not sure how long it was in Idaho since I had. A long time. I used all whole wheat flour and forgot to add salt. Next time, I should probably do half and half whole wheat and white and need to remember the salt. Paul liked the soup better without noodles but I think that’s because he has never really had whole wheat noodles and we didn’t cut them short—they were some of them longer than 12 inches. Some of us used forks for them. Still, making noodles is something I’m going to have to add back into our currently nonexistent weekly planning of the menu.
Cedric and Kitty chillin' on the front steps Thursday, April 23rd.

And Amena missed the bus. I will probably just stop writing when she finally managed to get her butt downstairs and will post when I get back from however far I have to go. She can’t really afford to miss any more school; she spend almost her entire week off doing homework that she should have done weeks ago. Some of it she had to wait to do at school so it isn’t even all done. I am not pleased.
In other news, I have some little baby lobelia’s and St. John’s Wort sprouted. That is exciting. Some arnica sprouted last week and that was exciting, too. I just love this stuff. I think everything that’s been planted has come up except some of the stuff planted last Tuesday and I need to check it. Almost everything is up. Plants are amazing.
The chicken noodle soup with homemade noodles.

And it’s ten minutes later and Amena still is not downstairs ready to go. Honestly, I don’t know what she thinks when she gets up; or rather fails to.
There really is more that I wanted to touch upon this morning. One of them was about parents provoking their children.

But now it is much later, almost time to start school, and there is no time. Have a spectacular day!

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