Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Peanut Butter Balls

I forgot to mention this.

A few days ago, Seth and Joseph wanted to make peanut butter balls. No problem. Except we kind of never got around to it. Honestly, I hate making peanut butter balls and thought that I'd end up doing most of it so I wasn't too excited. But yesterday Seth remembered and I said, "Sure."

So I helped them measure 1/4 cup of honey.

And then 1/4 cup of peanut butter except that we had some cashew butter that needed to be used so we used that and only needed a very small blob of peanut butter.

And then 1/2 cup of powdered milk. And for those who might like pictures of this, I am sorry that none were taken of this part. If there is ever another time, perhaps. I do not remember if we added another 1/2 cup of powdered milk; Seth things we did not and I am inclined to agree with him.

The stirring was not fun. Seth's arms got tired. I showed him how to kind of mash it against the side of the bowl and that's when the spoon broke. That is also when I told him it would probably be best to just dump it all out and moosh it all together like play dough. That's what he did.

Then they made balls. Well, Seth made balls. Joseph watched (he did help with some of the measuring and dumping into the bowl) and pretended to eat the blob on the counter from which Seth was forming the balls.

It was a pretty tasty endeavor. And not likely to be replicated any time soon because it was decided it's more fun to eat them than to make them. I think Seth must be my child.

Pretty cute kitchen helpers, I'd say. Even when Seth is doing his best to not look that way.

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