Friday, September 9, 2016

Just a Humid Day

Good morning. You know that 70° and 97% humidity at 5:13 am is not a good thing, right? Forty minutes later it isn’t any better; in fact, it’s worse. 70° and 99% humidity.
Yesterday morning before I went out to milk, I noticed that my lungs were itching. That is never a good thing and when I went out to milk, I started coughing. I used to cough like that. When we lived in California and I would take a shower, my lungs would itch and then I would start to cough. When my asthma was bad, I would cough up globs of gunk. When it wasn’t too bad, I would just cough. In the shower. You know, someplace I’d expect the humidity to be high. I didn’t just walk outside; that’s just ridiculous.
When I went in to shower and get ready to go, Paul said that it wasn’t supposed to be so humid. The weather said humidity was supposed to be in the 60s. Well, it’s pretty normal for it to be higher early in the morning so you can’t base morning humidity on what the daily average is supposed to be. And this is the east where people used to move away from when they had lung issues. I can certainly understand why they did.
According to what I’m looking at the humidity is supposed to be around 70% today. That is so not cool. I really wanted to go letterboxing but I might settle for working in the garden. Just driving to Barre to pick Cedric up from school is going to be bad enough. Especially since I still don’t have the white Jetta.
I suppose I should make a smoothie. I’ve been doing well for the past three or four months when it comes to weight loss but for the past couple of days, I have not. It’s time to stop this little trend before it really becomes one and a smoothie for breakfast is just the trick. And then a green salad for lunch. And then we won’t talk about dinner because it’s going to be a campfire dinner. Still a smoothie and green salad for breakfast and lunch and hopefully a walk will more than make up for what dinner might look like. Besides, if I make a smoothie now, Amena can take some with her for her breakfast.
My motivation doesn’t seem to be with me. It’s so much easier to just sit here and pretend I don’t need to eat.
This was taken from in the garden at 6:26 this morning.

Smoothie made, partly poured into a receptacle for Amena to take, and given to her as she walked out the door to catch the bus at the west end of the driveway (the bus normally stops at the east end). Another part is poured into a jar sitting by me. Once it was made, I thought I’d go outside and take a picture of the humidity. Yesterday while I was milking, it was so visible that visibility wasn’t too great. Today it isn’t as visibly noticeable but it’s currently 97% and you don’t have to see that to know it’s there. Because I was outside, I thought I’d take a picture of some of the sunflowers in the garden. I did but it isn’t all that bright outside so I don’t know how good they are. I thought I’d take a look at the artichokes, too. We’ve got one I should have picked a few days ago but didn’t. I thought I’d see if it would break off. It didn’t. It did leave a sticker in my finger, though, that didn’t want to just come out so I sucked on my finger and I can tell you that artichokes leave something on your skin that tastes very bad. Very bad.
This was taken from the driveway alongside the garden at 7:15. You  can see the sunflowers at the bottom left and the mullein on the right.

Yesterday was an okay day. I went to Vermont with Katie which has been interesting every time so far. Yesterday we stopped at a bookstore. A used bookstore. It has some very old books and some that aren’t quite as old. Some very interesting books. I’m pretty sure Paul would like some of them but nothing spoke to me in a way that indicated I couldn’t live without it. Which is a good thing because the way to not spend money is to not have any.
This isn’t very long and I’m afraid it isn’t very interesting but at least I have pictures today. I’m not sure how good they are, but they exist. Even if this isn’t terribly thought-provoking or otherwise stimulating, I am going to call it a day, so to speak.

Have a good one.

PS I just went upstairs to get the cord for my phone so I can transfer pictures (and music). I said to Paul, "It's another nasty day."
He said, "It's supposed to be nice with humidity in the 60s."
"Nice?" I questioned, dubiously. "Anything over 50% is NOT nice."
I guess it's all about perspective, I guess. And, honestly, anything over 30% is not nice.
And now I need to go milk before I finish this all up.

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