Monday, September 12, 2016

Weekend in Review

Good morning! It is always a good morning when Amena is downstairs and ready five minutes early. It’s also good when Cedric has a plan to complete the science prjoect he did not do over the weekend. To be fair, although he could have worked on it a bit Friday afternoon and yesterday afternoon, he had a busy weekend.
The weekend was somewhat crazy. Saturday was Field Day which meant scouts manning booths and participating in a flag retirement ceremony. I could do without the booth manning but I really enjoy the flag retirement ceremony. I thought I’d signed us up from 11 to 1 but it turns out I’d actually signed up for 12 to 2.
The clouds above were really pretty and the clouds below looked like a storm approaching.

In the morning, Amena had driver’s ed which meant taking her to Gardner at 8:00. Then I needed to go to the West’s to talk to Mari Paz. I was going to go at 9:00 but there was so much to do I wasn’t sure how I was going to get it all done and get over there. I ended up going after I picked Amena up which worked out pretty well. Amena kept an eye on the little girls while Emily ran a couple of errands and I visited.
We hurried home and got ready to go to the rec field and went; I was convinced we were more than half an hour late but we were actually almost half an hour early. Which is unfortunate because the smells wafting around of friend food were making me feel somewhat nauseous so we left at 1:00 rather than staying for the flag ceremony.
At home, we just had usual Saturday stuff to do. Plus, finishing a reading assignment, completing and submitting the written assignment for that particular reading, and taking the quiz. Fun times all the way around.
Yesterday was interesting as well. We had a pretty good storm in the morning that resulted in a pretty good downpour lasting about five minutes, a tree branch breaking off a tree across the road and falling into the road, and no electricity. I’d planned on having some ribs in the oven while we were at church but because there was no electricity, that didn’t happen. I figured I could put them in once I picked Cedric up and got home and we’d just eat late. Good plan until Cedric called and said he’d just get dropped off at home. I left church anyway so I could put the ribs in the oven.
We didn’t eat until 4:30 but it was all good. You know, good being a relative term. I made hot chocolate so that people wouldn’t starve or anything and we had a salad to go with our ribs and then had strawberry shortcake for dessert.
Then Paul wanted to take the silver Jetta to Lowell because it has a slew of issues that need to be addressed. I’ve been driving it for the past week with a nice red rejection sticker which just thrilled me no end. I have the white Jetta back now and it’s heavenly. Just FYI, the soundtrack of The Phantom of the Opera lasts all the way to Lowell plus a little. The first half of the soundtrack of Les Miserables almost lasts all the way home from Lowell. I really wanted to plant a letterbox in commemoration of 9/11 but there ended up not being enough time before it got dark.
And there you have it. Well, sort of.
Where were we? In New Mexico. Where were you?

Cedric spent the weekend completing his Order of the Arrow ordeal. It sounds like it was very interesting to say the least. Friday he was suffering something of an attitude because he really likes going to Field Day to hang out with his friends. I saw Ryan, Jacob, and Paul there as well as some others so I know he’d’ve had fun. Still, it’s my job to prevent that, right? At any rate, I think scouting has the potential to help him become a better person in general including a better friend. I’m pretty sure Daniel would want him to continue with scouting and I know my dad would. I’m pretty sure my dad would be really happy to have some grandsons who earn their Eagles.
And there you have a more complete story. Which is good because it’s all you’re going to get because it’s time to go milk now.

Have a fantastic day!

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