Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Just Life

Yet another example of time speeding by whether we are having fun or not. Hopefully we are having fun along the way because if we aren’t, it isn’t likely to change; it’s all up to us to have fun or not.
This morning I woke up because Amena was getting a towel for a shower. I got up to use the downstairs bathroom and noticed that it was 6:09. Holy crap, Batman! You’ve got to be kidding me! I went to bed early and everything. Not good enough. So, we’ll see how it goes as for missing or not missing the bus. I’m hoping…
In other news, rather than go to a Verizon store yesterday, I thought I’d give giving them a call a try. At the very least, I would be wasting an additional twenty minutes or so and that’s easy enough to do just getting lost in Facebook or AtlasQuest or even just email. So, I spent a couple of minutes locating the phone number and then I had to use Paul’s phone (very strange experience) to call.
Everything was all good including the fact that the phone was replaced just last month because the issue last month was not a damaged screen. Did I ever mention anything about that here? My phone started wigging out less than a month after I got it. It would restart when I wanted to turn it off. It would turn off in the middle of the night or turn on, depending on if I’d turned it off or on before bed. I actually took it in to the store in Leominster (the one I thought was in Lancaster) but the woman I talked to couldn’t find anything wrong with it. I don’t remember if it was later that day or the next when I thought it might be a good idea to do a reset and see if that helped but it wouldn’t do one. I would turn it off, and it would restart right away. So I went to and had a chat with one of their online people. He was giving me different ideas and then suggested removing the sim card. Well, to do that, the phone has to be turned off. It wouldn’t turn off. He said, “Well, your phone is still within the warranty period, what I can do is send you a new one.” Really? Cool. The only problem is that I was leaving for Utah hours before it would arrive so I had it sent to Laura and Blaine’s. It arrived before I left, I think. The same day, at any rate.
Because my phone was behaving enough to use for the most part, I didn’t open the new one for a couple of days. When I did, I realized that the old one needed to be returned within five days. Ooops! At least I was within that time period. I’m glad that the old one started wigging out again, and more seriously than it had been, or I might have missed that five-day deadline.
Everything with the replacement was great until Sunday when it was dropped. Now, I can’t see anything on the screen so I’m glad that the new replacement will be here today by 8:00 pm. I obviously need an alarm clock.
The good news is that Amena and Cedric made it on the bus.
In other news, it sure is funny how our having Egg Drop Soup led to Jay making Egg Drop Soup for his and Becky’s dinner yesterday. Isn’t social media great? I was going to have eggs with some peppers we got from Nick’s mom that are supposed to be really hot. I’ve got to try them out and see what I think. Amena tells me that his dad loves hot stuff but that these particular peppers (red bananas) are too hot for him. We shall see. Once I get around to eating one.
School is off to an okay start. I thought I’d try a less structured day and week and see how it goes. For example, let the boys know exactly what needs to be done by the end of the week but let them do it as they choose. So if they want to just do history one day, that’s all they do. If they want to just do math one day, that’s fine. The only constant I will insist on is reading every day. And I suspect that math will happen every day because they tend to want to hurry through a lesson so they’ll be done. I’m not sure being able to hurry through five lessons to be done for an entire week will appeal but I could be wrong.
Allergies have been terrible since I got back from Utah; yesterday might have been the worst from a plugged up perspective. Most of the day, I could blow or snort some of the snot out of my sinuses but there was still so much that I could not breathe through my nose. Today I have a little airflow on the right side. The left is still completely blocked. I cannot begin to tell you how much fun this is not. I don’t know what causes all the snot to finally let loose but if I did know, I would be activating it.
Today should be a fairly low key day. Other than my replacement phone arriving, Joseph has scouts this evening. I hope that the white car is done so I can take the silver car and get the white one. Paul got two Star Wars steering wheel covers, one with Darth Vader and one with Stormtroopers. I chose the one with Stormtroopers because it is more obviously Star Wars than is the Darth Vader one. There is more contrast with the white as opposed to the whole thing being just black and grey. Anyway, it will be fun, I guess, to put it on. I might have to clean the car, though.
Other than Cub Scouts and school and a new phone and maybe the great car switch, that’s about it other than the usual stuff. With a new phone, there should be pictures again. That will be nice. Reading is fun, but pictures are nice, too.

Have a fantastical day!

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