Monday, October 7, 2013

First Offering

It is a drizzly day out this morn. Kitty left her first offering of a mouse on the porch as well. I took her out with me to bring in the two buckets that were left in the field so I would have something to feed Snowflake out of while I milked and told her that she was a good girl and gave her lots of kitty love. She went out with me to milk also but bailed ship as I was sitting down. I wanted to teach her about drinking milk as I squirt it at her but so far all that has happened is she’s gotten it all over her and she doesn’t like that. Not sure she’s going to learn at this point.
We are having no end of problems today. Seth is being a pill to Joseph and wearing a shirt of Cedric’s that has bleach spots on it. Cedric didn’t have any clean underwear because he didn’t empty out his bags from Nature’s Classroom like I told him to last night. Joseph can’t find his toothbrush. I can’t think of a whole lot to say today. Seth doesn’t have any other clothes to wear other than what he has on which is the previously mentioned shirt of Cedric’s and a pair of shorts that he wears every day and to bed last night. He says he has no clean shorts. Well, if they would have brought me dirty clothes yesterday like I told them to, we wouldn’t have this problem, would we?
There were some good talks in conference yesterday. I know that many of them would not be popular with current social mindsets but that doesn’t really matter. I absolutely agree that what God has decreed, man cannot justify and no laws that men make will make it okay to disobey God’s law. I am happy to note that political correctness was mentioned as something we ought not to strive for. I’ve already given my opinions on that so I will spare you at the moment.
Up for today is a lot of I-don’t-know. I do need to get grain and alfalfa pellets for the goats. I’m not sure if I will go all the way to Hardwick. I don’t know that I even want to go as far as Winchendon. I might just go to Agway in Gardner. Yikes, what a scary thought. I guess I’ll be doing some laundry as well. I’ve actually got a load on washing right now that is mostly Cedric’s which means I won’t have to fold much of it. I like that. I don’t mind the washing or the drying, even when I hang stuff up outside to dry. But folding, that is entirely another matter altogether.
Cedric can be such a good older brother. He likes to make sure that the younger boys don’t miss the bus which they surely were working toward by just sitting up in the bedroom talking. I already informed them that I am not giving rides to boys who miss the bus—they would have to wait until Paul left for work today.
And Joseph almost got to. We have cubby holes on the front porch for people (mainly boys) to put their shoes. If they put their shoes there, they don’t get lost. But a couple of little boys insist on forgetting to do that simple task and end up not being able to find their shoes. Joseph, for example. This morning he could find two shoes in his room, but they are not a pair. There was a pair of sandals on the porch but he didn’t want to wear them. He went to his room to find shoes, found one but not the other, heard the bus, ran outside, took the time hide the sandals, the bus arrived at the end of the driveway and I went outside with another shoe (not a match for the one he’d found) and he magically found his sandals and put them on his feet before running down the driveway to catch the bus. All of this stress could have been avoided had he just done one simple thing—put his shoes in a cubby hole on the porch.

Have a fantastic day!

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