Thursday, October 17, 2013

This and That

7:12 am
Good morning! The good news is that Amena did not miss the bus this morning. The bad news is that Joanna is home and will need to take my computer soon.
Yesterday was a typical Wednesday in many ways. Margaret Armstrong called in the morning and we probably were on the phone for more than two hours. She had some yarn she thought I might like and some fabric as well. Her mother-in-law died and her husband has been cleaning out the house (her father-in-law died also) and it seems she had quite a stash of fabric and yarn and while Margaret is glad to have some of it, it is a daunting task in the sheer volume of stuff. She said she’d send some things to the fireside at Nally’s.
While we were on the phone, I cleared off the counter in the kitchen. That is a job that has needed to be done for some time and it finally was done. And I do mean done. I even cleaned the cast iron pans that have been waiting for a few weeks. They are currently in the oven waiting to be put away.
Awesome pictures from last night. I didn't realize I had an antenna right in the way.

Cedric had soccer practice after school as usual for a Wednesday afternoon. Seth and Joseph played at the park and I walked with Dominic’s mom around the trail. She said she’d seen me walking and thought that she probably ought to do the same. It was nice talking while walking. I think we did four laps.
Joseph had scouts at 5:00 which is a fairly typical occurrence for a Wednesday afternoon. When he was done and we got home (Seth went too, which I don’t think is really the best thing but he behaved even though I told him he could not play soccer with a couple of children outside) it was time to eat before I needed to take Amena to the fireside.
The fireside was outside by the fire. It was cool but not bad by the fire. I’m actually kind of glad that I didn’t stay (the boys were at home and Joanna wanted to leave) because I didn’t realize it was going to be outside by the fire. I suppose I should have figured it out since they were having s’more’s for refreshments. I was leaving as Jared arrived and he asked if I could give him a ride home. Never a problem so of course I said yes. I delivered soap to Drayton Troop for his mom and Jeremy West. (One of my motivations to get the counter cleared off is soapmaking next week.) When I went back to pick Amena up, I asked Steve Trivett if he might be able to give Jared a ride just because Jared lives so close to the Trivett’s and I had some boys at home in bed. He was happy to.
And now Joanna wants my computer so I’ll be back.
The moon was so bright. It is tonight as well.

8:49 pm
Took a while but here I am. Joanna had class and then she had tutoring and then she had class. By the time she got home, I was gone. Orientation was pretty exciting. Kind of repetitious. But different. We got to get our pictures taken for our name tags which we will get tomorrow when we go in for the first part of our training. Pictures were taken in Human Resources so I checked to see if there were any phlebotomy openings. It said there was one pending. I’m not sure what that means but I got an application just in case and I’ll find out tomorrow.
We actually got done early so I could have just had the boys ride the bus home but they had fun at Riley’s and it sounds like they behaved and they probably wouldn’t have gotten their homework done if they’d ridden the bus home because I wouldn’t have gotten here until whenever I did. I think it was approaching 4:00.
This morning I got Joseph’s shirt done for their Halloween ‘costumes’ (I like period outfits or clothing better). Cedric’s took two days; Joseph’s took half a day. I think it’s because I was kind of experimenting with Cedric’s—finding out what would work and what probably wouldn’t. With Joseph’s I definitely had ideas of what to do. Seth’s ought to be slightly faster even and that is going to be my project for tomorrow morning.

Since I’m here so late today, I probably won’t be back in the morning. So, have a slumberful night and a spectacular day tomorrow!

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