Friday, October 18, 2013


Good morning! I decided to come back this morning after all. Some days you can’t get rid of me, some days you can.
I have decided that people who think children can be stubborn have never had to deal with goats. Actually, they have a lot in common. They are both cute when they are little. They both have moments when they are incredibly stubborn. They both have moments when they can be incredibly sweet. They both have hard heads but even if the goats have been dehorned, the goats would still win in a head-butting contest. Children do not produce milk so we put up with them only because we love them. Goats produce milk so we put up with them.
I have also decided that it is incredible how much difference five minutes can make in a day. Yesterday I got up just before my alarm went off at 5:55. I got up, got dressed, got Amena a lunch ready (and she told me that she’d be late next week on Tuesday and then the following week on Monday [to follow the pattern of being late every six days] and then never again; I told her that wasn’t a good idea—she said she was joking; I told her she wasn’t funny), got ready to milk, milked, fed Kitty, and then it was time to wake boys up at 6:30. This morning I decided to lay in bed until 6:00. I got up, got dressed, got a lunch ready for Amena, got ready to milk, Cedric and Seth were already up, milked, fed Kitty, went up to wake Joseph up at 6:40. Clearly, getting up at 5:55 and being done with things at 6:30 is better than getting up at 6:00 and being done at 6:40.
Right now there are three boys all ready to go at 7:30 and the bus hasn’t been arriving until 6:38ish. Cedric is on his way down to the end of the driveway; Seth and Joseph are playing with Kitty on the porch. Scooter is standing at the door looking like she wants out. She always thinks she wants out and then decides that she wants right back in. She thinks she needs to be wherever the people are so if they go out, she wants to as well; if they go in, she goes back in. Kitty tries to play with Scooter but Scooter can’t see so it doesn’t work very well. Kitty does successfully ambush Scooter sometimes and it is absolutely hilarious to watch because Scooter never has a clue as to what hits her.
Joseph just came running up the driveway and into the house. Very out of breath he said, “Mom, did you feed the cat?”
“Okay,” very relieved, “Good.” I’m pretty sure Cedric told him to check because Cedric said he wanted to feed Kitty but then got busy doing other things. It’s part of the routine by now.
I am not going to bore you with any of my opinions this morning but what do you think about the state of the volcanoes in the world?

Have a great day!

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