Tuesday, April 22, 2014

And the drumbeat carries on. . .

Good morning! Please don’t ask why because I don’t know the answer, but I just haven’t really felt like writing as of late. Well, writing here.
I’ve been working on doula homework and that requires some reading but lots of research first, especially for the handouts that I’ve been working on. I enjoy that. Part of the homework has been walking for half an hour each day. I’ve been logging that; today is the last day of the two weeks and I’ll get to report on it. Next is spending half an hour each day for a week with water. I was kind of hoping to get a membership at the fitness center and spend half an hour each day in the pool but I think spending half an hour down by the creek would qualify because it’s living water, so to speak; moving, running, full of life. The pool would just be nice.
Kitty had her kittens this morning. Cedric came to me about 4:30 and said, “Kitty is giving birth!” Where? On his bed! He spent the rest of the night on the couch to give Kitty her space although if she was okay with giving birth on his bed, she probably would have been fine had he stayed. He reported this morning that he at first thought it was her leg or something but then he heard it squeak and he figured out what had happened. In spite of the light being turned on and my going after Cedric to tell him to not touch Kitty or the kittens, Seth was completely unaware of what had happened when he woke up. However, I discovered a way to get Joanna up fast: tell her there are new kittens!
Amena wasn’t feeling well last night before bed and she ended up vomiting three times during the night. Joseph had the same thing Saturday except he vomited once and had diarrhea. I had something at least similar Friday with just diarrhea. Too much information? At least you know what’s been up with us. (Insert smiley face!)
Friday I got to go to Joseph’s class. Another mother was helping with egg decorating and she’d brought her own helper (another child). I ‘helped’ with coloring by providing crayons when they didn’t have a color they needed. While they were doing that, they got to watch some Easter videos. Some of them were rather corny; one was an adaptation of the Velveteen Rabbit.
Sunday afternoon the boys and I went to the park so they could ride bikes. Paul actually dropped us off and then went to talk to Ray. I didn’t want to go but I’m glad I did because I really don’t think three boys, especially those named Cedric, Seth and Joseph, should be dropped off at the park on their own. It was kind of fun, anyway, and I got to ‘chase’ Joseph around in the playground.
Yesterday Seth informed me that since this is April Vactation, we shouldn’t have to do any work. Although it sounds like fun, I generally don’t agree. There is far too much that needs to be done to not do any work. Yesterday the living room was cleaned and the library was begun.
Since Saturday Cedric and Seth got to go to Walmart to use their gift cards, I took Joseph yesterday. Seth wanted to go as well because he still had some money to use. Amena wanted to go to the library because she has some reading she needs to get done. We stopped at the bank first, which was open, and then the library, which was closed. I’m guessing because it was Patriot’s Day? I’m also guessing that Patriot’s Day is something that New England can actually claim because I’d never heard of it until we moved here.
Up for today? More cleaning. Laundry. A walk. Doula homework. Pretty exciting, from the look of it.

Have a fantastic day!

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