Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April Fool's

Good morning! And happy April Fool’s Day!
Just kidding.
Really, it is a beautiful day out. The sun is shining, the ice we got yesterday is gone. It’s only 31° but that’s a sight better than anything less than.
Yesterday I finally got the text that I’d been waiting for. It was awesome! Really. In so many ways it was just one of the most incredible experiences ever.
Maybe more about that later.
Emily brought Frozen over for us to borrow yesterday. Amena and the boys watched it after homework and dinner last night. Watching it is actually on my list of things I want to do today. Anyway, Seth drew this just from looking at the cover of the DVD. It isn't perfect and he did take some artistic license with it, but I have to say it isn't bad at all. I guess we have another artist in the family for sure, eh?

Yesterday was a pretty good day, all in all. I didn’t get lotion made but I did review the process. It has been a long time since I made any so I didn’t want to jump right in without reviewing. I also didn’t want to start the process and get that phone call/text that I’d been waiting for. Lotion is more forgiving than cold process soap, but still, once started, I like to follow through.
I did get lots of laundry folded and towels washed. There’s more washing, drying AND folding to do today. That’s always a blast.
Paul had a doctor’s appointment in the afternoon. He went to Salvation Army and was going to get fuel on the way home but upon stopping at Salvation Army discovered that he’d left his money at home. He called to make sure his wallet was in the pocket of some jeans upstairs. It was. I said it was a good thing that he hadn’t pumped fuel and then discovered his lack of money. Indeed. He came home and got it, went back to Salvation Army and then got fuel.
Emily West came over and sewed a couple of seams. She’ll be back Thursday. She and Adelaide were still here when Amena and then the boys got home. Amena held her for a bit but she was tired. Then when the boys came home she was still tired but she saw Scooter at some point and started laughing. I’m not sure what better sound there is in the world than a baby laughing; it is so genuine.
It was after they’d left and while I was thinking about dinner that I checked my phone and noticed that I had a couple of texts. I warmed dinner up right then and there at that point and got everyone fed. Paul got home while I was getting ready to go.
I got to the hospital and that really was the best part of the day (which isn’t to say that the rest of it wasn’t good). I would love to tell you more about the birth but I don’t have permission to. I am going to go visit them at the hospital later today and will ask. If they agree, I’ll write more about it. If not, you’ll have to wait a few years and then read the italics.
So, other than laundry and dishes, I’m planning on a trip to the hospital. I am thinking about making a ball before I go because they only take a couple of hours and I’d like to aim for around noon to go. I also would like to make lotion. Friday my hands were in and out of the water so much while I was cooking and baking that they got really dried out and it took until yesterday to recover even with lotion. Mine works better so I need to get some made.

Have a splendid day!

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