Monday, April 28, 2014

Heaven IS for Real

Good morning! It is a lovely sunny day out. Kind of cool (38°), but lovely.
Heaven is for Real is a good movie. Basically, it’s about a little boy, 4 years old, who, during an operation, experiences the separation of body and spirit. I’m not sure you could call it a near death experience because although he was in a very grave situation, he didn’t ever actually die.
Being four, it’s hard for him to not share what happened to him and it is then up to all the adults around to either believe what he says happened to him or not. Many have a hard time accepting that what he says he experienced was real. I have a hard time understanding why people have a hard time believing.
If I did not believe that I will be with Daniel again one day, there would be no point in living. People might say, “Well, you have other children.” Yes, that is true, but if I couldn’t have Daniel, too, it would make no difference. People who have not lost a child do not understand how it feels to have your heart ripped out of your body; they do not understand what it means to have your life so altered that you would rather die than continue living.
And when it comes to others who have gone before, Papa, my dad, Robert Lee, Uncle Mick, etc., etc., how profoundly sad it would be to think that I would never, ever, see them again. I have never had any visions of heaven, although I have dreamed of Daniel, Papa and my dad, but I do not doubt its existence.
There ended up being ten of us go. I think there would have been more had I known sooner that we needed some rides for some. Anyway, there were eight girls plus me and Diana Chunn. Only two girls (other than Amena, of course) slept over but it was nice.
Thursday Amena had invited five of her friends over. She actually invited more than that but five were able to come. What a bunch of crazies. Listening to and watching them really made me wonder if boys with sisters are less likely to marry than boys with no sisters. It would be fun, and maybe enlightening, to conduct a study to find out.
Friday Seth had his unbirthday party since he never got to actually have a birthday party. He invited eight boys and three came. Two weren’t able to spend the night but one was and I have to say, the boys were much quieter than the girls and actually went to bed and sleep and a more reasonable hour. I do realize that they are a bit younger than the girls we had over but still, it was a nice change.
Saturday the boys and I went to the Hubbardston Library to check out books because I had five books in that I’d requested. I need to read about 150 pages today to stay on schedule and get them back in time. We also went to the Gardner Library because Amena needed some books and Hubbardston didn’t have them. Gardner actually only had one but at least it did have that.
Sunday was Sunday until Paul talked to a guy in Rehoboth who listed a silver Jetta TDI wagon on craigslist. He asked if I’d like to go with him to look at it and I said I would even though he said it was a two-hour drive and I really, really needed to get some reading done. The drive ended up being just a little over an hour and he liked the car so much he decided to pay for it on the spot and drive it home. I didn’t mind the idea of buying the car but I really didn’t want to drive home. It was getting dark and we had to drive through Providence, Rhode Island, and even though it was Sunday night, there’s still traffic and I’ve only driven down there once and I just really didn’t want to drive home. Still, I drove the white Jetta and followed Paul and everything was fine, especially once we got almost to Worcester because at that point I could get home without help even if we got separated.
And today is today. Much reading on my agenda today as well as some phone calls. And eating of peanut M&Ms. Should be pretty darn exciting.

Have a beautimus day!

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