Wednesday, April 30, 2014

It's Already One of Those Days

Good morning! If you like wet, rainy days, today is the day for you. While I don’t mind the rain, I do feel like staying in bed when it’s like this. Also, I was kind of hoping to clean out the goat shed this afternoon and if it continues on like it is now, that won’t happen. On the other hand, I’m not going to plan this afternoon according to this morning’s weather.
Yesterday was quite a day. Seth stayed home, of course, because he wasn’t feeling well enough to go to school. I might keep him home today, depends on how he feels when he comes downstairs.
Joanna had an appointment with an allergist. I didn’t have to worry about getting her to that but she doesn’t feel that it was worthwhile. She is definitely 19 right now. Anyway, she was out with Zak all morning and I was hoping she’d be home until she had to leave.
The reason I was hoping she’d be home is because I figured Seth was going to be home and Paul and I were going to play shuffle-the-vehicles and then pick up some goats. We ended up only picking up goats and we ended up taking Seth with us because he didn’t want to stay home alone and I didn’t want to leave him home alone.
Zoey. Isn't she pretty?

Anyway, we now have three new goats. A doeling named Zoie. She’s very pretty. Two bucklings (at what point do they become bucks?) named Bailey and Leroy. Zoie is dark and obviously young. Bailey is black and white with some brown; he has curly bangs and cut himself on his head getting out of his enclosure a week or so ago. Leroy is black and white with waddles. Our plan was to only keep one of the boys for breeding purposes; the trouble will be deciding which one to keep because each has characteristics I like. Bailey is obviously part La Mancha due to his ears.
Leroy. He's a nice-looking goat as well.

Monday at Meet the Doula Night, I arranged to visit with Liz because I’d forgotten to write down that Emily was coming over for sewing. I didn’t want to seem flaky because I’d made the arrangements with Emily first but really wanted to visit with Liz because the visit will include more positional therapy. So last night I messaged Emily to ask if we could do sewing later and she responded that due to circumstances she actually was wondering if we could cancel today. SIGH! I still feel kind of flaky that I would want to change a prior commitment for a newer one though.
Bailey. Love those bangs!

Well, I’ve got to get some lunches together. I should be back relatively soon.
Seth is going to go to school. I’m not sure if I already expect a call or not. I am sending him with a note stating that if he needs to, they can call me anytime. Which goes without saying anyway. His behavior says to me that he’s feeling pretty okay at the moment.
I finished reading my book yesterday which is something of a minor miracle considering the fact that we were gone getting goats in the morning. Cedric had an appointment with the eye doctor yesterday and I actually got quite a bit of reading done then. Finished the book, in fact. Very good book. I highly recommend it for anyone who is pregnant, thinking of becoming pregnant, or knows someone who is. The Natural Pregnancy Book: Herbs, Nutrition, and Other Holistic Choices by Aviva Jill Romm. Excellent book.
Now I am reading Three in a Bed: The Healthy Joys & Remarkable Benefits of Sharing Your Bed with Your Baby by Deborah Jackson. Based on articles and blogs I’ve read recently, cosleeping is currently under fire so it will be interesting to see what this book has to say. I read a few pages last night and I think it will be a fairly easy read and will probably just reinforce my own thoughts and ideas. We shall see.
Right now I think I’d really like to go back to bed. It has been a struggle this week getting up at 6:00. The 5:00 wake up for Amena has been fine but actually getting up to stay up hasn’t been fun. And tomorrow I have a doula shift. As much as I’d like to be there if someone is in labor, I’d really just like to stay home. Actually, there is a lot more to it than that but for now I’ll leave it where it is.

Have a fantabulous day!

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