Saturday, February 16, 2013

I've Decided to NOT Give This a Title

A tree in the front yard (the one that has purple lights on it).

The tree by the screen house with the sun behind.

Down by the creek through the garden.
Good morning! We woke up to some fresh snow this morning which was very nice. It was snowing for a while, although not very much. Now it has warmed up (all the way to 31°) enough that things are looking a bit soggy in spots. Bonners Ferry, ID, is coming in at 28° currently which is actually three degrees warmer than Yreka, CA, at 25°. Dublin, Ireland, is 55° and Sydney, Australia, is 68°. Guess where I would not want to be?
Yesterday Joseph was the Scientist of the Week and he made, at his teachers request, ice-cream. I got to go in and help which was a lot of fun. We used the recipe that I will stick in at the end of this which does not call for any cooking because we wanted something that could be mixed up and frozen immediately. It turned out very well and I’m pretty sure that everyone liked it. Joseph certainly had fun.
I went in about 10:30 so that we could mix it up and start it freezing just before they went to lunch. While they were at lunch, I did some studying of the spread sheet and power point we have as examples in Management. When I got to a part that I felt I needed to be able to concentrate on more fully, I read The Two Towers. After lunch, everyone got their snow clothes on and went out to play in the snow and when they came back in and got out of their snow gear, it was time for ice-cream. One of the boys said, “It’s like dessert for lunch!”
Thursday in Management we had out presentation. We were definitely the guinea pigs. Dr. Greenwood sent Tiffany home because she was sick. That was fine other than the fact that she wasn’t there and didn’t see how it went and therefore didn’t understand why we would want to change who is presenting what. The fact is, the slides she was going to present, Dr. G wants only a brief mention: “This is the history of Netflix.” Click. Next slide. She hasn’t done anything to get off that easily. Likewise, Amy’s part was very short. I thought Jessica’s was about right. Mine was too long and we didn’t get to Steve’s. Tuesday we don’t have class because there is no school Monday and Tuesday we do Monday’s schedule. That means two Economics in a row and no Management until Thursday. Thursday we get to watch/listen to the other group present and then the following Tuesday we get to have another go. After watching the other group, I think we’ll have a better idea of what takes how long and can at that point better split everything up.
Valentine's Day roses from Paul.

Close up.

Currently, Paul has Cedric and Seth out shopping. Both boys needed Sunday shoes. Seth is trying to convince someone that he needs cowboy boots. I’m not sure where it’s coming from but the other day he just announced that he needed cowboy boots. And a hat and etc. Good luck with that, I say. Joanna is getting ready for work. Amena is upstairs doing I have no idea what. Laura drove to Barnes & Noble where she was going to meet a couple of Carmack’s on their way to Weston which is over near Boston for a YSA thing. Joseph just went upstairs and Amena was actually in the bathroom and is now thinking about making cookies for an activity she wants to go to in Ludlow this afternoon. I think it’s in Ludlow.
Aunt Julie, thanks for thinking of us last week when we were having that ‘blizzard’. It really was nothing worse than anything we experienced growing up in McCloud even if it was a bit windier; certainly not more snow. I think Grandma got it right when she said that there just aren’t enough people in the Mt. Shasta area for storms to make the news like there are on the East Coast.
AD, your purple yarn sounds delicious! I love . . . whatever color you said it was.
I am going to be off for now. Have a wonderful day!

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