Sunday, February 24, 2013

Snowy Sunday

Well, I was going to write later in the day and tell you all about yesterday and today but there is no church because people in New England are wimps and even though they mostly grew up here, they don’t know how to drive in the snow. I don’t give a Fig Newton if there is snow. Bring it on! Quite frankly, if they can’t drive in the snow and plow off the road, that’s the way it goes. Survival of the fittest. Oh, yeah, it’s not about that anymore, it’s about everyone winning.
The tree in the front yard. This was taken about five minutes ago as were the next pictures.

Yesterday, being Saturday, I didn’t expect to get any school work done. I surprised myself by not only finishing a chapter for Economics but finishing the homework as well and starting our next presentation which isn’t for a few weeks yet. I also started on my accounting homework. So, not bad in that department.
 The boys played outside and cleaned their room (I wonder if they’ll ever really finish) and played with Lego’s and watched Mr. Bean with Paul. Joseph got his hair cut and all the boys either bathed and showered. We had ice-cream after lunch and hot chocolate while we read two sections in the D&C. Joanna went to work. Laura went to Amherst (to see a GUY!—oh my gosh!). She was going to go to an activity after that but it was cancelled so she was stuck at home with us.
The rocks by the front steps. There is snow out there, but not that much.

This morning we woke up to snow. It wasn’t that much and it had stopped by the time I got up. Paul joked that church would be cancelled and I said, “No way.” Everyone was in the process of getting ready, about half of us already were, when we got a call saying that church had been cancelled. I still said, “No way! Seriously? For this?” There were less than six inches. And there’s barely more now than there was then (a mere hour ago). Excuses include: some roads aren’t plowed (a good thing, in our case, because it actually improves it); the parking lot at church might not be plowed. I don’t know what the real reason is but whatever it is, it is LAME!!! Good grief. Paul said, “Well, people just don’t know how to drive in the snow.”
I said, “Well, didn’t most of them grow up here?”
“Well, then, there’s no excuse.”
“There isn’t much you can do about stupid.”
Okay, point there. But I’d be willing to bet that percentage wise, more people in Siskiyou County, CALIFORNIA, know how to drive in the snow than in New England (or at least Massachusetts).
The front steps and part of the driveway (and an onion skin).  Being snow, I like it, but there just isn't that much there.

So, what is on the agenda for today? Probably movies. Playing in the snow. Reading (I’m in The Return of the King). Wasting time online. I wouldn’t mind doing homework but there really isn’t any I have to do so I don’t see a reason to break my no homework on Sunday to do something that doesn’t have to be done. Maybe knitting although I’m done with Nick’s dwarf hat and I’m not sure I’m ready to work on socks. I do have something else to work on so maybe. A puzzle?—I have two Star Wars ones that haven’t been done. Something, I’m sure.
In the meantime, have a wonderful day!

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